General Discussion

General Discussion"Quick" vent, yes you can bash me for being 3k scrub

"Quick" vent, yes you can bash me for being 3k scrub in General Discussion

    My last 2 games are are validation, at least in my mind. (Bloodseeker and Gyro games) 1-2K, sure, Filipinos are unbearably toxic and trash, having them in your game is a fate you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. But 3k and up? Indonesians, man. Indonesians. They are the same as Filipinos in terms of toxicity and not being too good. But what makes them worse, in a way, is that they don't have the same stigma attached to them as Filipinos do: of being toxic and noobish. So they roam freely without the same persecution. Plus, most Filipinos I've met so far since getting to 3k(I'm hovering 3.1-3.4) are actually ok players, relatively speaking, it's a matter of the garbage attitude still being there. And even at that, I've met and friended several Pinoys because of their nice attitude and good skill (relative to everyone else in the bracket). I can't say that about Indons. Oh well. The whole server is toxic, well established and documented fact. If it wasn't, why would insults such as Shitapore, Indog, Malayshit, Pignoy, etc exist. I've been trying so hard to be pleasant in game, but all the negativity around gets to me also, I snapped during the BS game and tilted, complete with maximum shit talk

    I can't even escape to play in USW anymore, ever since that update that takes into account geographical position in determining matches. Not gonna give up the road to 4k, but I'm starting to understand the meaning of 3k trenches.
    (rage vent over, feel free to bash/say w/e below)

    TLDR, another "fuck SEA toxic server, im stuck in 3k because of bad team" post

    Potato Marshal

      Or maybe you lost because you picked a shitty hero like Gyro and decided to get a butterfly as your first damage item...


        Yes, I know my play is suboptimal, and a crappy build to boot. But it's hard to exactly play calmly when I get screamed at during pick phase "OH FUCK THIS IS PIGNOY, GG WE LOST HE NOOB SURE", then the mid Silencer proceeds to somehow lose mid to Storm, and feed the whole game, and it's magically the Sven's fault, my fault, Rubick's fault, Phoenix's fault. Everyone except his own. Guess what? INDON.

        Free 2 Play Scootz

          The mute button is your friend



            Mlada i Luda

              lul. well i can deal rly ez with some toxic player in my team, i jsut mute him. iwould not know how to deal with a gyro with first item batterfly in my team tho.