General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's wrong with my draft?

What's wrong with my draft? in General Discussion

    Any suggestions so i can improve?


      u should have banned od :P


        ^I banned ww because I want to play meepo but they picked lich


          CK seems to be countered by more than 1 hero on their team. Your lane matchups don't look super strong either. Overall, their lineup comes online sooner than yours, though you do have good synergy with your heroes and they don't.


            I'm curious as to how the lanes went

            Also, if you're asking for suggestions. Maybe provide draft/ban order? And what your goals with the draft was. I think those are important things to consider


              lich does not counter meepo.


                wow super cd dependent lineup u have there. lul


                  I was just following dotapicker's suggestions


                    @soul of cinder ur enemy team has barely counters for meepo, only stun from nyx.
                    lich is not that good to counter meepo
                    weird they have weaver offlane :D
                    their lifestealer pick is good against ds offlane i m considering u didnt pick ds for 4 th or 5th probably 3rd pick?
                    also u should ban od when u see they picked nyx after weaver.


                      If i remembered correctly they banned meepo the moment i 4th banned ww


                        Noob draft lmao, death prophet against nyx and od, i would have picked ta instead.

                        Friendly player

                          Abyss + such a noob draft...


                            First of all, you need to ban od, ww would have not been a nuisance since they are lacking in disables. But you have good pushing/teamfight potential, the problem is way too long cd's