General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat exactly is the point of ban in normal unranked all pick?

What exactly is the point of ban in normal unranked all pick? in General Discussion
Sleight of My Fist In You...

    title....i want to play normal games to test out heroes in a non ranked environment...some idiot then comes and nominates the hero i want to test and voila the game is fucking wasted for me

    so again, wtf is the point of bans in normal unranked games...banning the hero you want to play kind of ruins the point of playing unranked

    Riguma Borusu

      I wonder this as well, I want to spam BS because I want to play BS, and when I don't get BS, I just random.


        Banning Techies in general.

        Banning stuff like Tinker, Sniper or again, Techies when you happen to be playing at 2 a.m and don't want a game to drag on for more than 1 hour.


          I didn't know you could ban in unranked all pick.


            well cuz some ppl try hard in unranked too. dont forget. most ppl play unranked.