General Discussion

General DiscussionSolar Crest on PA questions

Solar Crest on PA questions in General Discussion

    I was looking at the trending guides for PA and found this build on this match -

    Anyone explain why solar crest? And is this a viable item for PA or very situational?


      An evasion item on an evasion hero :thinking:


        Not good. Get an ac/ deso for armor reduction. Pa either kills people in 3 seconds, or dies by nukes early to mid game

        Riguma Borusu

          going medallion isn't too terrible but crest is too much


            It's for snowballing

            meteor hammer

              it let her hit the visage

              with deso and crest u have -17 armor. AM will not be able to take hits until ac/butter

              meteor hammer

                i mean uh durrrr evasion on pa so stupid! look at all those mkbs 👀

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Medallion is fine, but it's not worth it to spend 1450 more gold on Solar Crest unless you actively want to use it on your allies which defeats the purpose of buying the item on the hero. Also Visage cloak is percentage damage reduction now so minus armor is not really relevant against that hero.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    1450 gold for effectively -3 armor (since PA doesn't need more evasion) isn't really good at all. Back when crest was -12 armor, I can see that as being better, but for a mere -3 armor I don't think it's that good.

                    meteor hammer

                      im talking about accuracy idk how that isnt clear


                        Mkb is a dog shit dps item , lAtely I've mostly just gotten mkb for pa , n just get my own butter fly to counter enemy butterfly. Butterfly such a bad ass item .

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Accuracy is actually kinda shit unless you're hitting windranger in windrun and don't have a diffusal and I was pretty sure blue stars unanonymously agreed on this. In that case it goes from 0 to 35% It sounds cool on paper until you realize how little it actually does. Even against PA it negates only 17% of her evasion which still brings her down to "only" butterfly levels of evasion.