General Discussion

General DiscussionRandom mechanics questions

Random mechanics questions in General Discussion

    Oracle Damage/heal - i'm assuming before aghs, it is 2 purifiying flames + fortunes end or do you purge the first one and spam the last 2 for the kill. for max damage output.
    What about with aghs? its 3 then purge?

    Tiny - i've always been under the impression its AVA then Toss, to make the ava hit twice, however watching recent streamers they seem to toss first (to disable the hero) and the damage doubles, am i missing something?

    Medusa vs OD. Does OD's ulti remove the mana from Dusa before it does the damage? or is the mana removed after the damage. If it is the former, OD should dumpster medusa at all stages of the game right?

    Riguma Borusu

      @oracle question: no idea
      @tiny: it seems people generally prefer to max toss because it offers the most spell DPS for the mana because of the low cooldown and overall utility (deals a ton of damage from a huge range, too) it's really devastating if you manage to disposition people way out of where they'd be comfortable, the only real advantage avalanche has over toss is that it's AoE and fucks refraction
      @OD vs dusa: it first burns the mana, then deals the damage, dusa is not likely to get a BKB, so OD dumpsters her from the moment he has his orb

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        ^ For Tiny, he meant not which spell to max first, but which spell to cast first.

        For oracle...I normally don't do this, because I suck at it, but here goes nothing. Assuming both are level 4.

        2 purifying flames = about 540 damage after reductions, but considering the healing (which has no inhibitions) it would be reduced to about 452 damage (2.25 cd between both Purifying flames) and that's before the slow ass projectile from Fortune's End reaches its target, which may further decrease your damage dealth to 364 if it took a second to reach it. (the healing buff stacks) + Fortune's End damage (135) = 499. And this is assuming you didn't channel it to get it out as fast as possible, which makes you lose the root portion of the skill.

        Ideally you want to cast Fortune's End after someone else placed another disable to your target, so you can get the full root duration, and then cast Purifying flames before the projectile reaches your target. At worst, it'll just heal it for 44 if it took a second to reach it and therefore reducing the damage from the first cast to 226 after reductions + Fortune's End (135) = 361 + A rooted target.
        Finish off the target with right clicks, your teammate and the extra Purifying Flames which you'll have available after the root ends.
        Of course, situations are rarely ideal, so just use your judgement wisely.

        Can someone else correct me and then do the Aghanim's analysis please?

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        Dune, the Desert Planet

          You use Toss first because there is a delay on Avalanche.


            1. The idea behind using purifying flames to deal damage also requires you to negate the heal that comes after it. Fortune's end is not used to deal damage, simply to purge the heal from flames, so the sooner it hits the enemy, the better. If you want to do a combo, purifying flames first, then wait about two seconds till it's cooldown is over and send the projectile of fortune's end with the shortest possible charge time. While this projectile is flying, hit with another flame which will immediately get purged by the flames. This does allow the first flames to heal the enemy for a bit, but it's worth, since it's over a duration of 7 seconds, and also allows you to purge the heal from second flames.
            2. Toss is simply a more guaranteed disable than avalanche. Running at an enemy and casting avalanche in their general direction can allow them to force staff, even blink away, since it's a ground targetted ability and travels relatively slowly. Heroes like weaver could shukuchi away. Yes, using it first and then toss does give you the added 1 second stun duration, but it's not as big of a deal as guaranteed burst damage. Also, if some unit comes in front of you and that enemy, you might toss that unit instead, dealing even lesser damage. You can see from his ultimate and Aghs upgrade, that his scaling has largely to do with Toss damage. Also, it's just easier to toss a unit by blinking on top of them than avalanche in a direction that they might not walk into.
            3. OD's ultimate deals mana removal, not mana burn. The damage is based on difference in intelligence of the heroes, so the damage dealt won't be affected by the mana Medusa has, except for how much of it is absorbs by the mana shield of course. However, to confirm, it's the mana removal first then the damage. That damage will be blocked by mana shield, but the general difference in intelligence between those heroes in mid-late game will be substantially high. So yes, on paper, OD is generally better against Medusa, at all stages of the game.

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