General Discussion

General DiscussionJugg Item Build

Jugg Item Build in General Discussion

    i hit fine manta timing on juggernaut but i have trouble farming efficiently on that hero after that point.. so if i am like 10-2 25 minutes in, i will be 12-7 35 mins in the game ...... because i am too far behind in items.. i am thinking of going mjollinir after manta and then diffusal... is it fine to do that?


      Buy a Midas so u can keep ur GPM, you'll notice you'll play better.


        I like blink.

        Fee Too Pee

          diffu is kinda overrated on jugg, because Juggernaut have so manyyyyyyy item choices. whats scary about jugg, you can build literally anything on him. Mljo is good , Shadow blade in some situations good


            blink is rrly important to me


              i like manta diffusal blink basher abysal butterfly/skadi

              doc joferlyn simp

                Diffusal Bladem Blink Dagger, and Ethereal Blade. Cast the active of Eblade on an enemy, and go as if you're gonna ult. He well run back to his team since he has a sense of security coming from the fact that he will take no damage from your ult, allowing them to regroup. Once they come near each other, immediately Blink to him and use Diffusal's active, then ult his entire team. Gratz, you won the fight and the game. You also got a rampage and your parents are no longer ashamed of you.


                  Bfury will answer all your gold needs . No fear of ever falling off at the price of a weaker 18-25 min time period in which your still semi dangerous anyways .

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