General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get better at dota 2

How to get better at dota 2 in General Discussion

    Guys check me out. i know i sucks because i pick what team needs and tell me how can i get more better what i am lacking. And yes Try to predict my mmr.

    Riguma Borusu

      Stop playing what the "team needs" because the "team" neither exists or needs anything. At sub 1.5k games, all you need to do to win is pick whatever hero you are comfortable with, learn to efficiently farm with it, THINK, realize what you should be doing at what point, don't feed like an idiot and then.... destroy the enemy ancient.

      And yeah, you're about 1.4k according to opendota whichi s really really low.

      Again, let me repeat: There's no team. Only you. Don't even pretend this is a team game unless you're playing at really high MMR.


        In the low mmr bracket, as RPQ mentioned, don't pick heroes who rely too much on the team to win. NP, Ember, Lina IMO needs a decent team to be able to capitalize their advantages.

        If I were you, spam heroes who could 1v5 at full farm. PA and sven are examples of these heroes. At this bracket, I think they would be hard to counter because of how you need be able to "kite" them, which players at low brackets don't know how to do yet.


          Ok i will Try spamming with carries i am comfortable. Ty for replies. my 9 tbd matches left i will play them when i will get more better. Problem when playing sven is he need lane farm and stupid supports auto hits i am good at last hitting but still i miss.


            use brain when you play


              Have you tried destroying enemy ancient?

              Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                Have you tried denying your own ancient?


                  i'll never understand sub 500 games players asking why they're bad

                  Friendly player

                    As rpq sama said, there's no kind of thing like "team" in low mmr games, Simply pick tanky cores and get as much farm as possible, if you died few times already stop showing up at teamfights, opposite team obviously has a gold advantage and you might die again, ignore everything till you get manta, butterfly / core items for your hero your playing. Some people don't like getting items that has active ability, don't be like that, those items let's you win 1v9, like manta,bkb or satanic, etc.

                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                      if you died few times already wonder why the fuck did you die and think was it worth it instead of chickening out and feed 1k gold afterwards, duh

                      Friendly player

                        dude its the logic of low level players. Farms whole 50mins of the game, 0 pushing, diving into 4 enemy heroes cause hes bloodseeker. I sometimes have headache because of the team i get huhhu


                          389 solo mmr
                          I'm so done


                            below 1k

                            Friendly player

                              Oh look! That guy who posted a comment is below 1K!!!! Let's tell him that! ... Srsly? How stupid can you be.


                                Let me borrow your acc for like 5 games then try to see

                                Friendly player

                                  Let me borrow your acc, you know it doesnt cost anything.


                                    he plays for fun you fools

                                    Friendly player

                                      This guy knows it ^_^

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        I've seen 1k and even low 2k matches, there is absolutely no way anybody who isn't completely awful can't get at least a 60% winrate there. The idea of ganking doesn't even exist in that bracket, people don't use smokes, or even know how to wrap around. It's like a 40 minute laning stage where people will randomly decide to occasionally throw their nuke out, and both sides will just stand there trading hits for like 15 seconds and aggroing creeps before one side decides to run away. I can't even imagine how much easier it'll be in sub-1k, let alone sub-500 MMR.


                                          It's impossible to get out of 2k before you learn how to solo win a game by just ganking everywhere on the map with the ennemy's awfull map awareness

                                          Friendly player

                                            The problem is that not always i get teammates who know how to play their heroes. Right now even though we won the game, the WK guy didn't play very good considering that he has to use only one spell. Sometimes i get matched against 100+ lvl players, why did that happen?
                                            Idk why im still <1k mmr maybe because of the reasons above, or because i play in eu west where every match i have to play with russians?


                                              i don't know man, it's just your skill and your knowledge of the game.
                                              Dota 2 was my first computer game so i had to get used to a keyboard in my first 200 games. Even with that i calibrated at 2k2 without patying before, so calibrating at 500 mmr just means you've done nothing but being afk in most of your early games or you played in party with 500 mmr friends

                                              Friendly player

                                                shit happens


                                                  Shit happens but not all the time ☺

                                                  Friendly player

                                                    sometimes my teammates are good people and sometimes my teammates are retarded russians. So my mmr pretty much depends entirely on luck.

                                                    Nervous Bakedown

                                                      Velcro wrote that NP Ember and Lina require a team to be good. I think that these heroes are the exact heroes that require absolutely no coordination at all and I have absolutely no idea what he is talking about. I'm not answering your question, but this kinda pissed me off. First off I think NP is probably the hero that is closest to a hero that needs a team, but not really. The only part of NP that could be considered team oriented are his TP ganks. Other than that that hero's job is forcing others to react to his split push. Ember is pretty much in the exact same boat, but has a built-in escape mechanic that makes games so easy to control. Ember's job is to control fights and split push. Thats pretty much exactly what you want from a 1v5er. Last Lina is such a dumpstering hero its crazy. Lina fully dictates the momentum of like any game from minute 3. She has an incredible lanning phase, a little bit of built in escape, some of the best wave clear in the game, an ability to take towers by herself, and she can deal a ton of magic damage on top of that. Like the only way you could have made that list he gave worse is if you said "(PS Slark is the best hero in Dota 2)''
                                                      Thanks for your time


                                                        i know my hidden mmr may be low but i am doing everything to improve myself i started playing this August. and i want to join competitive scene so yes i need to spend years and ty for comments.


                                                          Yes I can play every hero greatly and every role. and i picked np so that i can give them map pressure and they was pissed in that match.


                                                            > pick what team need
                                                            > I can play every Hero greatly and every Hero

                                                            > Pick carry everygame


                                                              -is 300 mmr
                                                              -gives 1.4k guys tips how to win
                                                              -2 posts later the typical "I cant win because my team holds me back"

                                                              dude can you just stop pls?

                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                why help people if you can shitpost :thinking:

                                                                Friendly player

                                                                  Stop playing heroes that relies on their team. TW and terror are few of those heroes.

                                                                  Friendly player

                                                                    When your playing carry you should consider getting as much xp and gold as possible. In the AM replay you were farming camps very often. you should better stay in your lane and get the xp. There were timbersaw and sk in offlane, as AM if you can could get bigger levels of mana break you could easily destroy their mana rendering them neutral in your laning phase.

                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                      the troll gauge is breaking

                                                                      yung griphook

                                                                        I think youre too many high skill cap heroes. Play simpler heroes to focus on game decision making or, keep playing the same 2-3 heroes per role every game no matter what

                                                                        hitch a ride

                                                                          normal skill >> no need to predict.


                                                                            Dont play at night, thats when all the retards come out.
                                                                            Automatic +1,000 MMR advice right there.

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                            Friendly player

                                                                              We are talking about 1k mmr games, i don't know if terror is good if you have to play alone but he doesnt have any stuns and escape abilities. Stance, i think you can play at nights but just don't hope for good results, cause most people already can't think normally so there's no point to blame your retarded teammates ;]


                                                                                i play for fun do u think i have taken time to come online thats why my team lost? in that am match.



                                                                                  Don't bother talking to i play for fun, he's ~500 mmr it maybe looks like what he knows that he's talking about but he really doesn't. Don't listen to his advice either.


                                                                                    Your acc is a goldmine :3

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      you could play CM with daedalus and desolator at 1k and win every game if you're not brain damaged


                                                                                        @Potato Marshal when I was in 1K as little as 6-8 months ago(I'm so happy I got to 3K since those 6 months), I played a game with smoke ganks, tp rotations, supports stacking, etc. Ofc this is likely 1 in a thousand, but it was a great game when I remember it. There are a surprisingly decent amount of people in 1-2K who have passable understanding of the game. They just severely lack in mechanics, which is why they're still there.


                                                                                          Step 1: Don't use Navi logo as profile picture.
                                                                                          Step 2: use your brain.

                                                                                          Friendly player

                                                                                            H^ yeah ur right. You should better give free farm instead of getting it urself as hard carry AM. So as i was saying, don't leave your lane if you are the main carry in your team. Ask ur teammates to gank (if they know what it means) and you'll be fine.

                                                                                            KitKat -.^

                                                                                              i'll coach you for free, add me


                                                                                                "Dont play at night, thats when all the retards come out"

                                                                                                Day-time is when the job-less basement nerds play. Shit doesn't get any better.


                                                                                                  ur acc is 1 milion dollar worth people kill for bottom mmr acc


                                                                                                    Play your best laning/pushing hero. Win your lane . Deny your own ranged creep everytime haha


                                                                                                      don't tell me win yo lane deny range , use creep agro and other i am good in that and i use them. and i have really deep knowledge about everything and every hero.