General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you stop a visage?

how do you stop a visage? in General Discussion

    that hero is just so strong


      nerf him. He has low wr just because people dont know how to play him, but when someone does, i see him having scores like 31-5 etc. its way op in my opinion


        Burst down the goyles from a distance ala sniper. Visage is just a tanky ranged creep with a slow without his familiars.


          so how do u stop him? what sort of strats, heroes, counters, playstyles? or do u just pretend he's not there


            can u actually kill his birds, he'll just stone form?


              I imagine Weaver could be good against him. And yeah, spawn familiar spell has a very long cooldown. Killing his birds really hurts him a lot.


                Also he should struggle against illusion heroes. he may stun a group of clones but not clear them out without help.


                  I never had any problems with visage till now, maybe I'll see some good visages if I raise my mmr


                    1-midas/tinker/techies gaming...drag the game too late..
                    2-bristlecock axe
                    3-kill the birds...hes half a hero without them...dont ignore them/leave them when he stone forms them in the middle of ur team...wait for them and kill them
                    4-dont gank him in lane after he has lvl 5 he'll turn and kill you and ur supports
                    5-if he's there for a gank/a tower he'll get it ..his skillset secures shit way too run and splitpush somewhere else
                    6-dont do ur ursa drow strats against him...these two heroes are really weak against him...stuff like viper/bb/storm/slark really hurt him
                    7-basically jump him with someone with consistent damage like storm or slark/dominate his lane with viper bb/counter him with things like bb axe/drag the game too long with stuff like sniper tinker

                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                      Every hero can be like 31-5 with the correct match up. Visage is balanced as he is.


                        There are so many heroes that are good against visage, it's crazy. Magic aoe/cleave/high physical dps destroys his birds and renders him useless in fights


                          buy items with procs, void is rly good against visage


                            Spectre dispersion works really well later on

                            Riguma Borusu

                              Sven is generally bad against Visage because Vsage peaks way earlier and can wreck him, but once you''r sufficiently farmed, VIsage is food.


                                stout, poor mans, vanguard, ghost scepter, purge items manta bkb

                                pick ta against him so familiars waste their most important attacks against shield and leave them with 2 damage per second
                                tide cant get killed by visage with that passive coz damage block + purge


                                  ^x d


                                    just get damage block


                                      well, i just played monkey, i sucked at that game, but monkey ulti kills visage creeps, so its basically safe, and they go down really fast :)



                                        played vs this guy solo q anx next game i got 6.5 k smurf in team xd


                                          ??? lmao are you all bad ?? visage is TERRIBLE AS A HERO how can u not know this after playing dota for like 10 seconds?
                                          the birds die too fast valve needs to buf this
                                          the hero is useless birds are the only good thing!
                                          hees a support?? a support is too hard to stop LMAO noobs






                                                you don't

                                                meteor hammer

                                                  dot him and then blow his hero up, buy armor items

                                                  anyway u cant stop him hes op as fUCK

                                                  Act II Enjoyer

                                                    Do any of the following:
                                                    — gank him when he's low level (before 6, but it's better at <4)
                                                    — destroy him in lane
                                                    — have lots of dot
                                                    — pick heroes that can jump him with bkb and burst him with physical (sven, ursa etc)
                                                    — stack armor
                                                    — pick illusion heroes
                                                    — pick heroes that can kill birds from far away (like sniper)
                                                    — try to disable/silence birds and kill them
                                                    — buy evasion
                                                    Generally, Visage is a rather snowbally hero, so if you make sure his early game is complete shit he will be much less of a problem.