General Discussion

General DiscussionFarming against hard lanes as axe

Farming against hard lanes as axe in General Discussion

    I'm trying to pick up axe as my comfort hero recently,and I just had a game where I faced a tri lane consisting of silencer + nyx + pa.I didn't pick into silencer btw,enemy drafted 1 hero + pa and I picked axe.

    Since I was already getting zoned out hard by silencer and got intimitated by the killing potential of the tri lane, I just gave up the lane straight away at level 1 and went to the further neutral camp to farm.Reason being both nyx and silencer was sticking on me as I attempted to jungle in the nc camp beside my dire offlane.

    I did this also as they was controlling the creep equilibrum,and I felt that I would slowly but surely fall behind hard on farm and levels.I lost the game due to pa having FF and making a lot of mistakes,but I would like to know is my decision to enter the jungle and giving up the lane a right one?

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    Riguma Borusu

      first off, you do not pick axe when you know there's a huge possibility of a really hard offlane with a bunch of ranged and impractical heroes for you to deal with

      second, what used to be a really good thing was getting talon and tangos at lvl 1, going to the jungle, then going to the lane with lvl 4-7 when you feel comfortable, and wrecking people, but since the jungle nerf this is no longer a good strategy, however, if you're just gonna feed in that lane or hug the tower, just go jungle man, jungle farm is shit, but some farm is better than no farm, axe is the type of an offlaner tha needs both gold and exp, it isn't a clock that's fine sitting at brown boots at lvl 7


        Looking back I could have picked something better like veno or timber,but I felt that I probably would have allevated the issue by buying 1 sent on my own to block the hard camp to get some initial gold and exp before a potential deward?

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          Axe seems really bad to me right now. Jungle is nerfed, and even if it weren't, his counter helix nerf slowed that even more. Too many ways to harass him in the offlane, and with the lineup you mentioned, sounds really hard.

          Yea, there's always been the: blink, call, blade mail, destroy enemy carry at any stage of the game problem, but there's a lot of ways to work around that. Possibly Sven's rework and regained popularity may have affected Axe's viability, since he's one of the few heroes who can survive getting blink called and still turn the fight around.

          You laned against two melee support heroes while the enemy had no safe lane carry, a jungle LC and offlane DK. I don't think it's as hard as OP's lane matchup.

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