General Discussion

General Discussion5 tips for successful smurf

5 tips for successful smurf in General Discussion

    Tips please for 2nd game H's or vhs


      You need to be good


        You're a 1k player asking how to make a new account and immediately get high/very high skill. The first thing you could try is improving, so watching your replays (and not just your good games), watching pros and comparing. What does your CS look like at 10 minutes? Are you taking good fights? Are you prioritizing objectives (and the right objectives). How are your item timings? Can you recover from lost lanes? One thing I noticed right away from your profile is that even when you're stomping, you die a lot, so maybe try to understand your limits and what heroes and abilities you should be scared of.

        While I don't think your post is very serious, doing stuff like this will help you get better. Also, the most important thing: When you lose, it is YOUR fault, not your team's. Why did you lose, and what could you have done better?

        Anyway, good luck, TLDR git gud


          Stop thinking you're way better than your current bracket

          Riguma Borusu

            negative winrate sub 2k

            jesus christ


              1. Get at least 5k on your main first.
              2. ....


                1. have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?
                2. ???
                3. ???
                4. ???
                5. profit


                  My definition of a "successful smurf" is one where you endlessly get pitted against noobs who have no idea what their doing. Take note of the word "endlessly" and not where after 1-2 games of playing with these players you get instantly matched up with 3-4k players.

                  If you want a successful smurf, try intentionally throwing your first 10 games and not going higher than 300 gpm and xpm. Also, lower your kda as much as you can without feeling bad about it. Sooner or later your hidden mmr will normalize and despite owning noobs for 10 straight games you will still be matched up with similar or slightly better noobs.


                    I play shadow fiend mostly so easy to kill 2ks with him at level 2


                      Pretty much what cuki said


                        Don't be garbage with a subhuman win rate in 2k bracket.


                          play more


                            delete dota



                              rate my smurf. 2 games is all you need


                                1. have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?
                                2. try destroying enemy ancient
                                3. destroy enemy ancient
                                4. make guides on how to destroy enemy ancient
                                5. profit


                                  a month ago

                                  SUCC essful smurf


                                    Hey hang out with fx I'm sure you both will get along


                                      33% wr slark ez vhs


                                        this is my smurf howz it?



                                          Mlada i Luda

                                            anyone knows how to calibrate 1 mmr? a friend of mine is trying it lul. he selected im a beginer , and tries to die under towers and not make accidendaly kills, he says if you hit someoen jsut once you will kill him cause the rest of the damage he will get it from creeps lol. he think he is playing somewhere around 200-300 hidden mmr at the momment.


                                              aight op if u actually check this, this is serious. the only way u have a "good smurf" is being the best player in every match, no other way, there's no cheat or wall hack. u clearly arent the best in ur matches, hell u are the worst one in a lot of them. if u want a "successful smurf" go learn dota from utube or whatever source u can find and get good, else u arent gonna make a "successful smurf", like that thign is even a thing. max calibration = 3500 so successful smurf doesnt exist anymore


                                                Well said smurf king

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                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                  smurfs still exist god damnit. i dont know about you but i think all the smurfs are 1 mmr players. only the players that cant climb but drop instead make smurfs, and recalibrate, they never know theyr real mmr, who knows maybe they would all go 1 mmr. smurfs is the reason that there are not much 1 mmr players but they keep playing in 2-3k bracket all the time, i've seen many of them.


                                                    calibrating 1 mmr is super easy, just pick anything invis and pick up a bounty rune every 2 mintues, that's literally it, do nothing else.

                                                    meteor hammer

                                                      win every game??? what do u want


                                                        Could you smurf for me @Sia

                                                        meteor hammer

                                                          successful smurf doesnt exist anymore

                                                          u can still get high rank unrankedm mr, for what little that is worth lol

                                                          meteor hammer

                                                            i forgot this was a thing then played like i was playing against 3ks


                                                            and i was lvl 1 at like 3:30 lol

                                                            1 Tap God

                                                              Pick heroes that dominate all stages of the game. Especially early game, as destroying the opposing team early in lower brackets almost always results in a win.

                                                              That, and learn to play Meepo. A decent player really cannot lose under 4k bracket with Meepo, unless you get severely out-drafted.


                                                                Have you tried actually trying to get good? What are you doing to improve yourself? If it's just playing games, then you're doing it wrong because that is clearly not working out for you


                                                                  Throw your pc out of the window




                                                                      I don't know why you kids are trying to help out a fucking moron here