General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat now 9k plebs

What now 9k plebs in General Discussion

    < blank >

      how did you do this even tho you llost a lot of solo ranked games?


        idk, i never get reported except for when my party mates do it


          Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 7278
          [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 5016



            Your party mates can't report you. I've tried.


              Party mates can report . All you need to do is leave the party and the button will appear


                Quit the party during the game and you can report them in the end

                Story Time

                  is it the power of mute-button?

                  < blank >

                    it's the power of his soft comforting voice


                      its the power of roflanDaunich and roflanHiddenpool





                          me, government hooker

                            look what u did
                            u made me open dota to look at this

                            [Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 1363
                            [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 2563


                              @triplesteal- good now u can carry new comers to dota on steam, right?

                              Story Time

                                what is the average behavior score in dota?


                                  Actually I think I have found a way to have way higter than 10K


                                    Boost my account please :)


                                      low prio master

                                        Good job


                                          Was 380 now I'm 4950.

                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                            Triple, did you notice any increased retardess in your solo q. coinsidering your low beh. score?


                                              my games are fine
                                              lost but fine


                                                Oh, so you can actually report your party friends? Awesome, now I can convince my buds to report their pudge picking buddies.


                                                  just make sure they do what the guys above said, otherwise it wont work


                                                    this shit doesn't matter in ranked, ur just mostly getting idiots while playing in retard bracket 3k - 4k where everyone insta picks mid and goes jungle n shit or just feeds when some dumb shit happens not a whole lot u can do bout that. what a fucking toxic shit place honestly.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      They said the guy needs to leave the party. I'm going to assume that "accidentally" kicking them out, reporting and then inviting them back in will work.


                                                        it should, otherwise u can just leave urself, which is basically the same thing


                                                          funny, just how much u drop after 1 abandon, I had ~9.9k

                                                          [Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 1146
                                                          [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 8851

                                                          Player 404335202

                                                            triple u try to be nice in game ? i mean how did u get that high ? what shall i do to reach atleast 8k ?


                                                              nah, i never forced myself to be nice and eventually im pretty rude, sometimes wihout a good reason


                                                                Abandon makes u drop ~1k score so if you're like not toxic and u get good summaries all going well and then u abandon 1/2x you drop with 2k points, it sucks, I'm 4950 right now, was 4.4k I had 1 abandon and 7 reports was not a very good 2 days for me lmao was flaming almost every game.


                                                                  i think if you never report people, your behaviourscore eventually will get to 9k+ and then no one there reports anyone, even if there are flamers.


                                                                    TripleSteal, do you communicate at all besides chat wheel in game? Do you use mic? Did you get this score coz you listen to teammate's advice or if you don't want to, politely refuse? Would you say this is possible even with the "All mute" option enabled? I'm guessing not...

                                                                    disgusting weebs

                                                                      rofl do u think the game runs a lexical analysis of ur [allies] chat log or what

                                                                      disgusting weebs

                                                                        why does anybody care either way ive been as high as 9600 and as low as 6k and i didnt notice any difference whatsoever im sure neither did triple


                                                                          i communicate quite a lot, i use mic, i am russian, and i flame


                                                                            ye i read on reddit that u shouldnt say fuck or sth in all chat because that lowers ur behavior score ;(

                                                                            Player 404335202

                                                                              u are the only russian who does not get reports i think xD

                                                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                                                [Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 2877
                                                                                [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 8928

                                                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                                                  so whats the first line about?


                                                                                    Someone asked that on a thread before. Not sure.
                                                                                    My guess is, it's the time between now and the last time you were reported.

                                                                                    disgusting weebs

                                                                                      its not the time u were reported


                                                                                        ppl who have high behavior score usually have low seq_num scores

                                                                                        ppl with lower bs have higher seq_num scores


                                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                        disgusting weebs

                                                                                          [Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 2089
                                                                                          [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 7482

                                                                                          what now mr data analyzer

                                                                                          disgusting weebs

                                                                                            havent played real dota in a week


                                                                                              Is it good or bad? I'm russian and play on Russia server always.

                                                                                              (I have 8 likes and <3 reports)


                                                                                                [Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 7288
                                                                                                [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 5537



                                                                                                  maybe its the behjavior score of the last person who reported u

                                                                                                  disgusting weebs

                                                                                                    except this infos useless


                                                                                                      same a sur life

                                                                                                      disgusting weebs

                                                                                                        triple with SICK BURNS as always :D :D xDD :bc_ok: :bc_100: