General Discussion

General DiscussionSupporting in VHS (Safelane)

Supporting in VHS (Safelane) in General Discussion

    Yo, I have been dragged to a LAN which is in 8 hours. I am apparently plating safelane support. Assuming people at the LAN are like 4.5k +. What do I do and when do I do it?

    - I know how to pull.
    - I know how to stack.

    I need to know when to contest what for example like start game tp to defend hard camp at safelane etc.

    Starting items for heroes like cm, lion, lich.

    Tell me what I need to know


      Seems like you play core most of the time, why would they ask you to play support lol.


        if u play safelane, u should know what is it u want your supports to do. and do that.


          think about which lane u need to secure, and what kill potential u have first. then decide if you're gonna need to roam a lot, or sit mid a lot, or just pull to get levels and bounty runes.


            typically, u secure the safelane first by making sure u zone out the offlaner hard without drawing creep aggro at level 1, so he stays under leveled. if the wave is pushing cuz u or ur carry fucked up, try to quickly pull the large camp at 53 to deny a wave

            Story Time

              judging by Jacked comments, I have no idea why no one invited him to OG already


                What diox said,do basic stuff and you will be good.Pick silencer,ss or smthing,dont pick lich safelane support.


                  watch a bsj creep equilibrium video no kappa


                    Just do what you'd like the support would do, how is that hard?

                    Potato Marshal

                      Put a lane ward down in front of the enemy offlane's tower if you need to, just zone him out, maximise your damage per mana by throwing in as many right clicks between nukes without drawing aggro or damaging yourself too much. Switch lanes if you think you secured safe lane to the point that offlane won't effect your carry's farm.

                      Big mistake I see common in supports is trying to look for the offlane jungling or stealing their bounty rune, then staying too long until the enemy tps to shrine and kills you along with their offlaner.


                        yo i appreciate the sarcasm bud. im getting signed next week jokes on u