General Discussion

General DiscussionRussian player and eu west story !! really i need help

Russian player and eu west story !! really i need help in General Discussion
tokhme morgh 4200t

    hi guys first im sorry for my bad english

    guys plzzz check my last 15 game ( in 10 game russsian amazing player start feed(4game at start 6 game mid game started like kid ) and in 5 games we i lose game for 2 game 2russian player mid and 3 game all carry ......
    plzzz help meeee or give me strategy next time that idiot ever player in my team whats doing for not lose game .......

    plzzz check this game my 2russian mid player and check nickname 's -------> again im sorrry about english i know its really bad .



      < blank >

        who cares

        tokhme morgh 4200t

          i dunno who cares im just need help for next time try maybe win game .... dude 10 hour 350mmr lost just for russian plyer


          tokhme morgh 4200t

            why they coming to eu west

            < blank >

              queue on US East

              tokhme morgh 4200t

                ok we need valve help us i think

                tokhme morgh 4200t

                  dude after 15 game i hate dota and goin gplay 1game overwatch and in overwatch they fucking my head they are living in my life




                      WIN RATE


                        I dont mind rusians players in my team , the only problem is when they refuse to comunicate in english and they keep chating in rusian even that you dont understand shit. Then they feed or sell the items or thigs like that.


                          44% Win rate wtf :D

                          So you say its teams fault that you have such a shitty win rate ? How old are you ? 12 ?

                          disgusting weebs

                            no wonder id start feeding too if i got matched with u

                            tokhme morgh 4200t

                              lex invite me i wanna rape ur ass 1 vs 1
                              im waiting


                                u r mentally russian, pal


                                  typical russian coming on EU, also гйш9гы тйшовыийцвшш ишйгцрпугшзй