General Discussion

General DiscussionI just reach to 1k mmr.

I just reach to 1k mmr. in General Discussion
Myanmar Striker

    Feels so good ...


      Feels absurdly easy man

      Story Time

        i hear voices in my head that ask me not to trash this thread, but..... i just can not stop myself!!

        Potato Marshal


            Congratz bruh, everyone has a starting point


              Do you have any 3 or 2 digit MMR.. can I have it for free


                I mean I used to be 3 digit MMR like 3 months ago but I didn't feel any accomplishment on 1k cuz it was so easy

                One Fourth of a Concubine

                  Congrats man, its not easy if you're at the skill level.

                  Player 404335202

                    U havent even calibrated yet


                      most played hero PA. yea thats what you should play in 1k. keep spammng her until about mid 2k.

                      stopp playing storm invoker

                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                      Myanmar Striker

                        @diox we are same mmr . Nice to met u


                          Nice to met you bro. I'm 300 higher. That's a lot. Want to 1v1 and see?


                            Don't get baited, diox is actually sub 1k, he was 1.5k mmr and he dropped to 1.3k and proceed to hide his solo mmr
                            He's still dropping down lol


                              Even I'm sub 1k I can trash this noob any day


                                Pretty sure Jacked is 4k now. We were both around 2.5K at the same time, I asked to race him to 4K, I got stuck in 3.2K while he kept winning.
                                Why do you hide your MMR tho Jacked, why still show that 1.3K lol


                                  It's my badge of Honour. Never forget your roots brah


                                    I'm not 4k