General Discussion

General DiscussionDrow strat

Drow strat in General Discussion

    Since i really like drow, what is your favourit lineup?
    Mine would be: drow mid (vs some easy heros like invo etc. and fast exp. gain), luna safe (more aura, good nukes), centaur off (aoe stun, ulti for excape/initiate), jakiro (tanky sup with good spells) and lets go with signature venge for last pick.

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      Pretty much same lineup I would choose aswell yeah.

      I had 1 LEL lineup with Void safelane, Troll Mid and Lycan jungle. So when void would Chrono the Troll would ulti and Lycan would use Howl and pretty much anyone in Chrono would die.


        Drow mid is dogshit
        U run drow mid and a tanky Frontliner as either ur offlane or ur mid
        So drow safe, huskar/dusa/razor/dk (tanker) mid, np/puck/bm/Shaker/brew (utility), a sb/kunkka/visage (offensive support) and a dazzle/Oracle/venge/wyvern/Omni (defensive support)

        Or u can run a mirana/Lina/sf/qop/puck/invoker mid (offensive/utility), axe/tide/centaur/void offlane (tanker), and the same defensive/offensive supports

        Obvious synergies are drow dazzle/Oracle and huskar
        Void can fulfill both frontlining and utility


          Drow mid is great so long the so called support and roamers don't come and ruin the lane by

          (1) feeding in it
          (2) leeching xp
          (3) staying afk around it


            1 drow
            2 necro
            3 puck
            4 io
            5 WD or bane

            pretty much unloosable lanes, early deathball with tons of heals, and unkillable necro, good teamfight, lockdown and pushing power


            1 drow
            2 visage
            3 NP
            4 sky
            5 ss


              ^there is no protection for drow in the second strat

              The first lineup is pretty good with necro to Frontline and io to protect drow and a lot of sustain.

              The second one has huge dmg but is super squishy. Maybe with a centaur or tide it wud work.

              Also I think drow huskar puck Riki/kunkka Oracle is super dank.

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              Riguma Borusu

                drow and 4 melees mm


                  drow mid + luna safe is so retarded, drow should be safe because on mid she is extremely easy to kill, 1 support should be for save omni is best, 1 support should have roam potential and stun, venge spirit breaker sk nyx, mid should be tanky hero, best ones who fits with drow is dk and medusa but if you face something like PA mid and lineup without huge burst magic damage you can go timber mid who will make huge space for drow's early push, and lastpick you need a hero who can be a sub carry if drow will fail a bit in early game, something like lc, abbadon void necro


                    U need to include some sort of ranged hero
                    Drow huskar
                    Drow dusa
                    Drow do
                    Drow razor
                    Drow mirana
                    Drow visage
                    Drow Lina
                    Drow necro
                    All these pump dmg, if the mid hero is not a front line then u make ur offlane a tanky one like tide or centaur


                      Drow husk


                        my favorites have always been drow, dusa or drow, viper.


                          i like drow with qop. drow with huskar ucan end the game so fast.


                            i dont really like drow dusa, the games end up being so slow


                              I had a recent game where we ran Lina mid, wr off, drow safe, Mirana roaming and pugna as support.
                              All lanes did great and all of our picks were great at pushing, so we won't teamfight and took 2 sets of racks and went for t4s

                              Fee Too Pee

                                when drow was meta , and huskar is kinda powerfull. i played a lot of ez games with huskar + aura damage. its so fucking godly


                                  1 Meepo
                                  2 Meepo
                                  3 Meepo
                                  4 Meepo
                                  5 Meepo

                                  There's your line-up (don't even need drow)


                                    Drow ranger safe + offlane faceless void + something like DP mid + Disruptor + AA

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Drow safe, medusa mid, axe jungle, tide off, random stunner support like lion jakiro

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Invoker mid is good too


                                          Drow VS


                                            Void mirana drow, last year much


                                              Yeah... my next pick would be huskar instead of luna, sick early/mid game but with luna you dont need to worry if it goes late.




                                                  Drow and Venge safelane, Voker mid, Enchantress jungle/roam, offlane BB. Very greedy I know, but in my head it sounded good.

                                         this is from a year ago, but I still vividly remember this game. Our CM was right clicking for 250 damage. Drow(me), Clinkz offlane, Mirana and CM support, TA mid


                                                    Drow OD Undying Venge Jakiro. Thats a drow strat.


                                                      safelane drow
                                                      mid TA, Voker, Mirana, storm, wr
                                                      offlane Centa, axe, clockwerk, enigma
                                                      roam barathum, slardar, doom, pudge, NS
                                                      hard supp jakiro, venge, shadow demon, silencer, dazzle