General Discussion

General DiscussionHow Can You Win This Game??

How Can You Win This Game?? in General Discussion
    How is this winnable? (Without a 5 min BKB)

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    S@Y GG

      Just play roaming supp and stack for carry i got my mmr up like that :)


        Im talking about the heros

        Potato Marshal

          Don't buy a 24 minute midas into straight dagon, and buy detection for Riki


            MK and KOTL already threw because they both went 0-3 in lane and they had most t2's


              I was also last pick mid and could not think of one person they don't have extremely high kill potential on


                Nyx mid ? What was your gameplan with nyx mid vs necro ?


                  MK and KOTL already threw because they both went 0-3 in lane and they had most t2's

                  its clear that you're not trying to look for tips but want to rant about your shitty teammates holding you back


                    nyx mid was the problem. u tilted your teamates

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I don't know what's better here. A retardedly late midas, the dagon build (against antimage no less), a Nyx pick against 5 heroes he can't really kill... Just amazing.

                      And how do you win this game? Don't play or pick like shit.


                        Clearly by the statement "I was also last pick mid and could not think of one person they don't have extremely high kill potential on" and "Without a 5 min BKB" I was referring to drafting or itemization, by the time I had the money from sitting behind a t2 with 4 heros that can stun lock for 10+ seconds and silence that dominated the early game, I was already so far behind, my teammates likewise.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Those are still just excuses for being bad. At 1.4k MMR if you are good at the game you'll pick a hero that can win the game, outlane your mid opponent then transfer your lead to other lanes and into objectives.

                          Your original question was how can you win this game, and the answer is - do everything opposite of what you did this game.


                            Look at the heros
                            How do I deal with extremely long stunlock and 4 roaming heros in a game?
                            What hero should I pick?
                            Should we five man mid at 2 minutes?
                            Im asking a simple question digest and awnser


                              Pretty sure your team hold you back :^)

                              Riguma Borusu

                                It's impossible to give very specific answers when your grasp of the game is so bad you can't get out of 1.4k. In your case, probably no hero would've saved that game. A 6k player could've randomed techies mid and won that game. That's the fucking point.

                                You are asking for advice on how to win a single game, not on how to improve. It is a simple question, but the answer is - if you are you, and you play like you, you will lose games because you aren't improving at the game. You aren't analyzing what you're doing wrong, you aren't trying to become mechanically better, and your picking is just fucking garbage, Nyx is one of the worst picks in that game.

                                That's exactly why I said that doing everything opposite of what you did that game is the correct choice. It is an exaggeration, but you did everything wrong, and your simple question doesn't have a simple answer because you have to learn like 100 different things to actually improve.

                                BTW brood mid was a really good pick that game, but who cares. You can't play it on the level necessary to win with it.

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                                  I'm 3k Btw :)


                                    And rising


                                      still shit

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        I didn't even see that 1.4k is party, not solo MMR. But a Nyx pick into their heroes is just so beyond retarded that I thought you're sub 2k.


                                          What pick would be good?


                                            when tusks goes mid and dominates, you just know its normal skill


                                              Invoker? Storm? Riki and SS
                                              SF? TA? SS and Bara
                                              OD? May work if you get a 10 min force staff
                                              Elaborate please

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                Mid brood would've rekt that game, they have SB and disables, but that rhasta would've been underleveled compared to you, and spirit breaker would just be weak if you manage to dominate mid really hard and get proper farm. You'd finish the game way before SS and antimage can do anything when it comes to objectives, antimage would not be online at all and tusk mid is just laughable.

                                                Tusk can't lane against brood and doesn't have a cheap way to kill spiders. And what you don't seem to understand is that if you wreck your lane really hard and deny a lot, you'll far outlevel THE WHOLE ENEMY TEAM, not just your opposing midlaner. You weren't even able to contest A TUSK MID (0 denies mid, seriously?).

                                                Why the fuck would you get a soul ring on nyx? Did you even have a PMS in that lane? Did you get quelling blade to contest tusk? Did you actually do anything to even try winning that lane in the first place?

                                                And why didn't you?

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                                                  Buy right clicker items
                                                  Defensive warding and sentries at your jungle
                                                  Play defensively
                                                  Rotate to counter gank
                                                  Sacrifice tier 1 or tier 2 towers
                                                  Defend your tier 3 tower
                                                  Punish their over extending
                                                  Stall the game to > 1 hour
                                                  Hope for comeback

                                                  See my comeback game below


                                                    glupi ste ko kurac


                                                      Your hero pick/item choices/possibly positioning and how you played the lane also lost you the game. A good mid game hero that applies pressure to either objectives or heroes would've been great.

                                                      Honestly, if you had just picked heroes you would've comfortable with, even if it's a bad match up, you'll do okay.

                                                      Invoker vs tusk, you should win that if you have a sentry in lane and if you back when SB is missing. Buy your own wards if you have to. Stuff like that.


                                                        Put mk and disruptor mid, nyx offlane
                                                        mk will snowball out of control with ursa and game will end early with kotl aghs


                                                          You can't win that game, everyone fed including your carries + your carries had no farm and were useless pretty much.


                                                            he played carry himself you dumb kid


                                                              I said everyone fed + your carries, EVERYONE includes him in it aswell don't know why I have a 3k player on my dick, hop off dog.

                                                              Oh I'm 20 btw.

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                                                                monkey king mid in this game is it ok? better?


                                                                  Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

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                                                                    you picked nyx into that?

                                                                    keep it simple stupid. pick viper or necro. rape the tuskar mid. farm items. right click enemy heroes and buildings.