General Discussion

General DiscussionMindset befoe playing

Mindset befoe playing in General Discussion

    What mindset do you guys have before queueing into game ? Would be good if high mmr players answered :).


      I started to que with positivity only, you get russian animals that spam chat with their russian hieroglyphic language and call u 4k when they are 4k too? Np pal, you insta mute them from minute 1.

      You get intentional feeders that feed because they didn't get to play their role or someone used their courier? Np pal, you mute that kid and keep on playing and report him at the end of the game. If it's just 1 guy feeding just keep on playing, there's still a chance that u can win the game. Because if he feeds early and the enemy mid is like 10-0 or something but he's like level 7/8 maybe u gank him once with a couple people and u get like 1k gold. So a comeback is definitely possible but most people go afk when they see someone intentionally feed. They either go afk in base or buy Shadow Amulet and afk at bounty runes.

      Don't tilt if the game isn't going your way or if you get retards in your team, you just have to accept it and move on.
      Sometimes if you play carry your supports might not support you because ''you picked a hero they don't like'' < sounds retarded I know but it happend to me multiple times. Or nobody wants to play support etc, just accept it and try to not feed. Because these retards will blame you for everything, if you die they'll flame you and call you an acc buyer and if you guys lose the game they will blame you for having no items/not being able to carry while you should be blaming them for not supporting you on purpose.

      Flaming/intentionally feeding yourself will only get you in trouble and you'll end up getting muted and put in low priority AND your behaviour score will drop. I assure you that you don't want that because the lower your behaviour score is the higher chance you have to play with fucking primates and trust me, you don't want that. I'm talking about these guys:

      + the higher chance you have to play with an intentional feeder in your game (happend to me too I was at 380 behaviour score now I'm at 4.5k, I could've had higher but my internet dced 2x and I got 2 abandons and got into LP)(only for 1 game though because I never go into LP anymore). Anyways when I was 380 score I literally only played with toxic dogs, as soon as my behaviour score updated and got to 1927 I noticed I started to play with some what we call ''humans'' and it eventually got better (although you still get retards from time to time). I also heard that an abandon lowers your behaviour score by ~1000 so try not to get abandons.

      I changed my behaviour in games, I went from being full toxic to semi nice guy (ofc there are some games where I JUST HAVE TO FLAME because sometimes you get these animals and that you really can't handle saying nothing and you need to say something about it) still most of my summaries are less than 4 reports.

      Enjoy the wall of text dude.

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        Thank you,very helpfull.Btw,i think i have played vs you,i was sf and you were pudge mid,but i dont know was it you or only same nickname.


          This is my main profile and I do play Pudge mid, if you remember which game it was link me it.

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            Nope wasn't me, never used that name and it's not my account either.


              I'm gonna fuck everyone's mother by the time I'm done with this game.


                Just don't say that in game or they will report you for flaming.


                  My day starts at 8am and I get home around 6pm from work.

                  Next I spend some time with the wife and kid and put them to sleep.

                  The MMR grind starts around 9pm. By then I'm pretty psyched and pumped to finally crush some newbs. That's the mindset I'm in.


                    i will fuck these noobs like a pig

                    Forget me not

                      I start to queue with the mindset of let loose and sometimes angering the enemy team sometimes and or my teammate

                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                        "I'm gonna carry 4 noobs who will try to talk shit and beg to be muted."


                          i have 9313 behaviour score but still having toxic people at my games. i believe behaviour score only works for people who have low behaviour score (btw even 7000 is way too low for behaviour score.)
                          its in human nature to believe hes the best and others are suck. its natural, thats what we call '' ego ''. if you get over it , u will be ok.
                          ofc you will have ignorant russians who only type at their language never communicating, flamers, blamers, griefiers, feeders. in that case just mute them, try your best , at the end of the game just report them like hell.
                          its natural that you can be bored having so much understanding to these crybabies, you might want to flame either, why wouldnt you? but you also care about your mmr and trying to win , right? then create an account, go que , and troll games. but dont throw it , play your game but just be yourself, dont chain your ego. flame them when they fault. say ok gg im done, then go back to your normal account , you will be way more relaxed and keep back your tryhard mode.

                          i really belive that, if you start a game '' omg im playing with 4 monkeys, omg i ll que with retards again, im sure of it, when your team picking 2 safe-laners and keep fighting for it, omg we lost. etc. '' you probably going to lose that game.
                          there is nothing to do for these type of people cause its now impossible to dodge this type of people, pre-mute is not working sadly.
                          just have confidence, play like your a booster, do what your game demanding, be a wh**** at that game. you can report these son of a b**** after game , right?

                          playing with forfeit is not working, your here to play not for flaming people. your not an idiot.
                          ^thats my mindset. i hope you enjoy while your reading the wall of text. sorry for my bad england.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            Mindset every game is ban Techies. Tell someone to ban Tinker. Wait for team turn to pick, then click random button immediately. If teammates ask I say "misclick".

                            meteor hammer

                              im more focused on trying to crush the enemy than anything else

                              meteor hammer

                                dont even think about attitude, teammates etc if im in the zone


                                  ^also use mute chat from enemies. there is nothing to communicate with them dont let enemies trigger you,
                                  sometimes people triggering by the enemy but using that trigger on their team(sound stupid, but believe , people do.)
                                  its best way to reduce your triggering at game.

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                  meteor hammer

                                    i mute people quickly

                                    Shadows Die Twice


                                      Wtf are you talking about? 9313 behaviour score playing 95% of the games in party? Well done.

                                      Play 20 games solo and your behaviour score will be 4-5k. Either that or you are retard. I mean how miserable you need to be to have 9k+ behaviour score if you solo q...

                                      Just to quickly break down what 9k+ behaviour score means (on eu servers):

                                      -You NEVER flame russian animals
                                      -You are playing mostly support
                                      -You never ping
                                      -You never point out mistakes that your team made and you never laugh when someone fails
                                      -You never whine for wards ect. when you are core
                                      -You never afk farm and you always help your team no matter how tilted you are
                                      -You speak russian language
                                      -You are asslicking cun.t
                                      -You are positive (which you shouldn't be since community is awful)

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                      meteor hammer


                                        meteor hammer

                                          -You are positive (which you shouldn't be since community is awful)

                                          this is a great quote btw, i should frame this


                                            Shadows Die Twice

                                              No i'm serious like people want to be positive and stuff. Everyone who is positive in dota 2 community is forcing himself to be so because no one actually wants to be since there is no reason to be positive. (it's not like people or system are good and so let's be happy about it and positive)

                                              Only solution(way to make d2 comm better) to dota 2 community is if Kim makes a move. If he doesn't we are doomed. And i'm like dead serious.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                              meteor hammer

                                                Shadows Die Twice

                                                  And one more thing, i would have at least 700-1000 mmr more than i currently (on my main account, not on this one) have if i acted to be a nice guy and if i didn't flame russians in every single game that i play. But the fact is i don't want that mmr. I don't fucking want it, i let it go.

                                                  Imagine waking up and looking at the mirror thinking "Omg my mmr is high/er just because i asslicked everyone in order to win. I encouraged russian morons to play better even after they failed miserably". As i said, i don't want that kind of mmr. If someone told me that i will be 9k in a month just if i behaved nice to russians (and occasionally some non-russian retards) and if i stopped flaming them, i would say "No bro, thanks, i don't want to be 9k if that's the case"

                                                  Don't get me wrong i'm very friendly orientated to people that play well. I really am. I never said one trash word to players that play well.

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    for me i need to really focus and start thinking about how the game is going to be like with the lineup. otherwise my mind just switches off and i go on autopilot not really thinking about what they can do to me


                                                      @Scy ur the one whos retarded. my last 6-7 games are likely solo games , yes i like playing party while playing party games i never use chat to communicate, but whenever i play solo games i never use my chat either i m using mic communicate people and i m not the one whos the toxic one, my team are.
                                                      the point i want to say behaviour score does not mean u ll que with angelic people , no. u still have blamers , flamers in your team for example for my last 2 games i had necrophos and slark who was figthing for core role and slark started to feed at bottom when he cant cs , and my spirit breaker game i had disruptor whos whining about his carry and pos 4 clockwerk, and he started to farm and buy nothing unless i carry the game to middle.
                                                      So having high behaviour score pretty means nothing. i m pointing up if you have low behaviour score , that means something. Like queueing with real toxic people , real throwers etc.
                                                      also scy this is my smurf i got 5.5k mmr with partying, thats what i m enjoying but even i play solo mmr,im still a good person to my team
                                                      hidden pool means ur going to que people like you, yes it is true im not denying that. try to communicate with people with using your mic u probably going to get people like this.
                                                      the point having high behaviour score games are not heaven,u still have blamers , flamers throwers, but less of them

                                                      also @scy even your posting notail's stuff. i have nothing to say about how retarded you are. seriously kill urself.


                                                        i believe you shouldnt act like so positive ,its meanless yes. im not acting positive. the thing about behaviour score its only changing with commends(gives 100 bs) u get and reports you get(takes 100 bs) , abandoning.(like 1000 points reducing) its not consider your behaviour in games really. it only consider the commends you get, if you lick ass for getting commends, u ll have more behaviour score,

                                                        whenever i report someone, hes in low prio for sure. i believe people should deserve to report to get low prio, and reports should mean something more than 100 points reducing from behaviour score.
                                                        u might be abandon without purpose , electricity could've went off. etc.
                                                        so u cant trust behaviour score completely thats what i m talking about , and i m sure and trust what im saying, they re true.

                                                        so before u throw some '' ur retard, dont act like whoever ur not u only play party if you play solo u ll be down etc. '' think some, ok?
                                                        and getting blue star with only 5008 mmr is way 2 pathetic lmao.

                                                        Shadows Die Twice


                                                          First of all learn english (or any language) before posting on forum ty. Second, you are one of those shits who plays dota for fun with friends to have a good time. I mean your purpose of playing is to have fun/good time, not to actually compete with others. That is pathetic. Of course, i don't even need to talk about your ingame skill/knowledge, it is super obvious that you are 3.5-4k animal.
                                                          Of course you have 5.5k mmr on your "main" acc, party that is. I mean how lame is to talk about party mmr, who cares.

                                                          As for my mmr on this account, as i said this is a smurf that i just boosted to 5k for fun, not to get bluestar or shit, who cares about bluestar lol. Oh wait, looks like you do, because you mentioned it. If you want i can give you this account for free, so you can be "bluestar".


                                                            a good trick for ppl who like to flame but still want to win. is to tell your team, hey good luck have fun, let's try to win (or wahtever shitty PMA thing u say at the start when you dont hate everyone yet)

                                                            and then you tell them you're probably gonna flame the shit out of them if something goes wrong and that they should just mute you.


                                                              so at least u get to flame and tell them they suck and theyre playing bad but they maybe wont take it so personally. and they probably wont report you. like if someone gets pissed you say: "dude jsut mute me". lol

                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                I can't see team/all chat .


                                                                  @scy aint wonder why ur a pathetic pleb whos having low - behavior score, ur so sad. i have 5.5k at this account and this account is my smurf so thats means i have more than 5.5k at my main, u idiot.
                                                                  why you even try to compete the solo ranked anyway? u wont be pro or gain any money from dota2 u just stuck with people like you salty and rubbish and try to compete them to get higher mmr but this is pointless.
                                                                  i dont mind my english u can understand what i mean anyway.
                                                                  and u couldnt even comment about behaviour score thing , cause you know ur wrong.
                                                                  anyway you probably one of the people who searching the game and instead of playing you rather insulting people and fight with them instead of focusing the game , right?
                                                                  thats childish. GROW UP.

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                    Grow up*.I have played with scy and he is pretty good,he was toxic when i played with him but it doesnt matter because he flamed for obvious reasons.I rather play with people like him then with ''nice people'' .

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                                                                        do whatevs u like i dont want to argue with teenagers anyway. go have fun at your toxic games^^


                                                                          Im thinking like "lets do it boys"

                                                                          Shadows Die Twice


                                                                            You have 5.5k+ mmr that being party mmr... you can have 20k party mmr no1 would care... because it's party mmr.
                                                                            As for competing, point of dota 2 is not to make money, or at least it shouldn't be. I feel good when i play good, and the only thing you can get in order to measure your skill level (chance to win) is mmr. Mmr is not a perfect system, but it's best system that exists.
                                                                            My current behaviour score is 3904 (just checked, on this account). As for my main my behaviour score is 4405. You can keep your 9300 or whatever, good for you.
                                                                            As for me not playing but only talking/flaming, idk about that. I am doing both.

                                                                            One more thing, if you pay attention, or if you watch any stream, 95% of world's best players are super toxic. I didn't say all of them, i said 95%. And guess who is the most toxic. VP players of course. Go watch "true sight" short movie.
                                                                            But guess what, Vp.Noone is the best mid player in the world atm. And you are 4k(solo) retard who's being nice to 4k russian animals.

                                                                            @=.= idk who u are, reveal ur main acc or just idk.

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                              actually 6k party is far more impressive than 6k solo


                                                                                @scy idk ur streams. and its not my solo games ur looking at my match history , its international mmr that im playing for just waste my time and if you played any international ranked u should know playing at 4k international ranks are not belong 4k bracket even 6ks calibrating 4k at international ranked,
                                                                                weird 4k international mmr games are pretty decent sometimes, so im enjoying it.
                                                                                my solo mmr is around 5.4k at my main account, i still would rather to play party games instead of solo games. thats how i have joy when im playing . winning makes me feel good, i have a good winrate so i feel good. i dont mind whatever solo mmr u got unless ur not a pro player and gaining money from dota2.
                                                                                agree on that %95 of world's best players are super toxic. thats probably their ages under 25 or smt. they still acting childish and have no awareness that they re kinda supportmen and they have no supportmenship. thats sad either. but its world anyway , just like at my first comment that i said its '' ego '' that makes people think they re the best and others sucks.
                                                                                agree or not i say what i believe its true, so thats shouldnt be give you that say omg ur retard from the first hand.

                                                                                i was very angry person actually i still am. but im trying to calm irl or in game cause it gives so much damage to me or people around me , why would hurt someone who doesnt even know me?
                                                                                the anonymousness gives people '' safety '' feeling that they wont be even revealed so say whatever u like , right? u might be not that kinda person irl. who knows.

                                                                                nvm thats all i said what i believe and my mindset before playing dota and having decent win rate, so i m happy about it . do whatevs u like.


                                                                         i remember i played with you twice in unranked,i was tinker you were ls,2nd game i was zeus you were shaker.I saw ur name here and remembered you.

                                                                                  Shadows Die Twice


                                                                                    As i said, forced "positivity". I would flame that russian shit for full duration of the game but i will not, because i don't want to "do damage" to people i don't know. That sucks, you wanna do something but you don't. That's pathetic.
                                                                                    As for your mmr, that is about it. That one number tells the story. And story is 5.4k.

                                                                                    @=.= Really can't remember, i have pretty damn bad memory sorry.


                                                                                      are u trying to justify your flaming. inhibiting unpleasant behaviour is not in anyway bad/unhealthy as you make it out to be. its what you need to be a decent human being in society. unless your autistic


                                                                                        as a guy whos rarely playing on solo mmr 5.4k is enough i believe, i'd get 6k , i can assure myself, so i have no problem the guy judging me on my mmr and justifying himself for his flames, blames and toxic behaviour. its ok. have it on your way than.
                                                                                        i believe you will understand me when you get older,
                                                                                        just try to have fun, dont you?

                                                                                        Shadows Die Twice

                                                                                          Stay positive, have positive mental attitude. Also don't forget to have fun playing, because this game is about that, having fun.


                                                                                            Omfg im gonna pick sk go offlane or feed then crush whatever lane is up against me and take two towers in 9 mins then feed the advantage and throw the game with only two deaths which gives me the right to flame my team while knowing that this game is completely my fault


                                                                                              "Fuck why am I doing this"

                                                                                              Player 404335202

                                                                                                Why wud some1 play normal matches ?? Rankeds are fun

                                                                                                1 Tap God

                                                                                                  I have 2 thought processes when queing.

                                                                                                  Am I going Meepo, or MK mid?