General Discussion

General DiscussionHey, Want some Race for fun?

Hey, Want some Race for fun? in General Discussion

    Coming from 2 months break from Dota, having massive red days in past 2 weeks well
    from 3k ---> 2.6k I got flat down so bad and want to gain those numbers back and raise it more been doing normal game since I notice the decline and now going to do multiple rank again.

    So any of you here 2k range mmr? Let's race to 3k!

    Have fun gaming 😊

    #MuteAll #ChatwheeIsFun



      rain markcawat

        sure , let's race :^)


          Let's race my friend! I am 1477 mmr ! goodluck!


            @Anime girls name
            Nice winrate 👍


            Riguma Borusu

              i wanna race to 7k

              whos in


                i would but i dont have any 2k accs :c

                meteor hammer

                  race to 7k i'll get it in 2019 when dota 2 is dying


                    My mmr is 2999 let's race