General Discussion

General DiscussionEE in SEA

EE in SEA in General Discussion

    already on a lose streak. let the games begin


      This thread is gonna be filled with retarded comments I'm calling it

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        SEA 8k queue time NotLikeThis


          im just stirring the pot.
          where's old frank

          win condition

            jacked how you win so much????

            Ce commentaire a été édité


              chicken spook,,,,

                ^heart reacts only pls

                win condition

                  have you reached 5k already?

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    pretty sure jacked is 4k already

                    win condition

                      does team holding him back or what?

                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                        jacked already reach 5k+


                          maybe ee should get a guide from rampageacademy


                            lmao instantly mutes every1 on his team.


                              i have low behaviour score help.


                                Gebak gebak gebak


                                  he plays for fun lol

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Hdc mmr SoBayed


                                      haHA sea = cancer 8k eu = 3k sea HAhahEHEASHEUHEU XDPXu tang i namo

                                      meteor hammer

                                        If everyone was as smart as ee and just fed when lower mmr stole roles we wouldnt have any fucking problems


                                          ^^ LOL , I like that answer.

                                          I love it when EE tilts.


                                            i wonder if he will drop below 8k


                                              ee is so bad


                                                I can understand how tilting it is to be 8k and have a 5k take ur lane, but intentionally feeding is just stupid.
                                                The person who stole ur lane may be throwing indirectly, but if u throw intentionally ur giving up any chance of winning and it just turns u into someone who is just as bad as the person ur criticizing


                                                  Thing is spunki, ee is actually not bad at dota, especially as a captain
                                                  He just has a style of play that's super risky a lot of the time.
                                                  Like he is in 6k pubs and if ur not listening to what ee is telling you ur indirectly throwing.
                                                  He understands the game better than most people he queues with.

                                                  meteor hammer

                                                    if u unironically think ee is bad at dota ur a retard btw



                                                      i dont want him in my team ever again regardless


                                                        when i watch his style of captaining. it seems like he micro manages his team alot. so in a real time that seems like a recipe for disaster, because people are bound to react slower to the game because they are trying to respond to his calls. and it also seems like a lot of calls are super questioable

                                                        i have 5 reports to use

                                                          Rage quit lol. jay was trying so hard too ahahaha


                                                            so in a real time that seems like a recipe for disaster, because people are bound to react slower to the game because they are trying to respond to his calls

                                                            regardless of whether they react slower, ee will usually make the correct call especially in directing people 2k mmr less than him


                                                              except when he makes a risky call and no one knows exactly what he is thinking, and they missed teh window and suddenly everyone's dead


                                                                ^which is why u dont think
                                                                u just follow him
                                                                80% or more of the time his plans are correct