General Discussion

General DiscussionCalling out earth spirit spammers!!!

Calling out earth spirit spammers!!! in General Discussion

    Im thinking about spamming earth spirit any tips?


      don't. he's fun but unless you literally play perfect you probably won't win.


        He plays 1 game goes 1-14-31 and he wants to spam earth spirit.

        < blank >

          Go practive in AI first before picking him in real games. But if you still insist just prepare yourself to get flamed and reported.


            @H^ Ive been playing earth spirit since i started playing dota 2

            I love challenging heroes


              This account is my smurf hahahah

              Riguma Borusu

                ES doesn't do anything by himself, so there's no point in spamming him until you have good team coordination. So do other things until about 5-6k, then start spamming heroes that require team coordination.


                  Ty For the useful tip