General Discussion

General DiscussionAny pro broodmother players here?

Any pro broodmother players here? in General Discussion

    i am planning on mastering that hero .. i play brood at mid and do well in lane .. i am good at early game ... but after mid game .. idk how to place webs and when to help team or push... and how to push highground... any tips and/or any link to pro brood players so i can watch them would be really helpful.. thanks!


      there are 0 pro players here, yet alone pro brood players


        Waga and Ryze was lurking here if I'm not mistaken

        Emphasis on was


          Waga replyed to a post just couple of weeks before , but I dont think he is reading all the post.


            You end the game at 20 mins or you lose.

            There is no mid game brood

            Potato Marshal

              I thought Waga only posted in the Discord, and even then he rarely does.


                Got mid game broodmother,from Matumbaman


                  i played some brood games at 5k avg.
                  firstly definetly commendation: have a roamer in your team if you planning to play broodmother and be sure be against not tri-lane. offlane is better idea for broodmother starting with 2 sentries 1 mango and quelling blade. be sure make your roamers to rotate there and own that lane get early radiance (like min 13-16) desolator mom and be sure when u create a new web, destroy one of the older which u dont need anymore(u can go click the web and Q on it to broke it down) its hard to adapt teamfights at broodmother cuz of web thing instead of chasing teamfight , rule enemies jungle dont let them farm advantage there and be sure their jungle is sentried and warded look for a chance to push also u can be bait for your team.
                  i dont like broodmother middle actually , ok u have a chance to destroy enemy middle laner or farm but u can do it with roamers at your team
                  and be sure picked broodmother 4th or 5th pick.
                  thats all i can say


                    mid brood is stupid good. Take any advice I give with a grain of salt because I'm not even VHS but this is what I got from Matu's replays. Start with 2 pooled tangoes, qb, sentry, OOV. Buy soul ring>blight stone and either go radiance or deso depending on the game. Radiance should almost always be better in pubs. Lvl 2 web lets you farm ancients/camps on both sides when you push the lane out. You can kill any ranged mid, they don't buy PMS. Play passive till lvl 4 ish when you have enough spiders with q. Go 4-4-0-0, talents depending on the game. DONT buy boots or anything other than soul ring blight stone before you rush rad/deso. Then go phase boots into mask of madness. End the game at min 20. Any high mmr players feel free to correct me