General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to increase mechanical skills.?

How to increase mechanical skills.? in General Discussion

    So After i reached 5k i wanna increase my hero Pool and Start to pick more cores again.
    I Kinda think my knowledge map awarness and positioning is Kinda decent for 5k.
    But i catch myself over and over again getting outplayed by much lower players in Party games. I lose mid like everytime i try to play mid. I even struggle with lh and stuff and my reaction time is horrible. And Micro skills are nonexsistant.
    But how to increase mechanical skill? Its nothing i can learn from watching replays etc.


      You can try playing mid,but you need alot games to get a feel for it.i've played with 6ks who suck at mid and would probably lose to 4k mid players,but their supporting is great.Some people cant play all roles.

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        Play more viper lul


          What's mechanical skill anyway


            What is "skill"?


              Tfw people call you strong mechanically but you don't even know what that means


                Jerkoff a lot to get faster hands bro




                    stop dying 100 times every match.

                    Story Time

                      perhaps, you need to become a mechanic?


                        I really hate that term though it's thrown around so much no one knows what it really means lol.


                          Like do u mean reflexes? But then again that's not a skill. Ain't nothing u can do about it. Are u talking about clicking fast and accurately ? I never knew that to be a defining trait in Dota. Like are you're talking about coordination skills required to do a lot of actions quickly without fucking up, tinker invoker meepo type of heroes? But then again you don't necessarily need to perform 1000 apm in Dota do you?

                          In terms of laning how does "mechanical skill" help u to win or lose it? It's basically timing and positioning? So it's about the usual Dota traits: mental quickness, flexibility, attention and focus, anticipation, and some reflex. But how's that "mechanical"?

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                            I get sofcking triggered when ppl say sumail is good in mid cuz he is mechanicaly gifted or some shit. Like if u actually watch and see why he's good I really don't think it's because of anything "mechanical"


                              I never thought "How to get better at Dota" or "How to gain MMR" posts would reach this level. This is like asking people how to get better at swimming by discussing it in a forum. Being mechanically sound is an extremely small part of improving at Dota but has nothing to do with game sense or decision making.

                              You want to be mechanically better? PLAY MORE DOTA. You want to be a better mid? Understand aggro (I'm sure you do, you have a fucking blue star) and yeah, PLAY MORE MID.

                              Mlada i Luda

                                than you rly dont understand what ' mechanichal' means. cause the reason sumail is good in mid is all about 'mechanich' , jsut like cuki is with arc warden. it is both about ' hero mechanich' and ' lanne mechanic'. mechanic is about everything is everywhere , how you pull/ stack , or double stack , its all time based , your mechanical skill will decide for supports for ex, how efficently and constantly you will do those things without messing a lot, with less mistakes. about lane mechanics is how you mantain creep quilibrium, play around your and enemy creeps, haras, and cs , higher the mechanics better you gonna do those things without struglin a lot , so you can concentrate even in other things like map awarnes , decision making in advance and other shit . cuki can explain this better how he is good in mechanics , and how spamming hero helps a lot on this aspect. about sumail he is probably the best in the world about mid lane mechanics.


                                  so youre telling me laning mechanics or simple laning skills = mechanical skills? thats the first im hearing this.
                                  if you're referring to consistency then call it that. i dont think thats mechanical skill. not fucking up is core to any skill or sport.

                                  Mlada i Luda

                                    yes prety much lanning skills= mechanical skills. like agro for example is something mechanical. and prety much everything else that i listed above. this is how better players will outplay enemy and win mid even in some bad match ups for them. its cause they much better in mid mechanics, whatch some old blitz videos for ex, he outplays and win against qop, lina, viper, and some other bad match ups for storm , but he still wins them cause he is jsut better than them mechanicly is not that those guys are bad or something they all above 6k mmr and they know waht they doing, but blitz jsut does it better and faster than them.

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                                      ye mafioso is right.

                                      i personally call it micro game, or simply ''how you press your buttons"


                                        Mafioso is right. -Cookie
                                        I'm joking btw, I know Cookie isn't an asshole in that way, he just has tough words of wisdom a lot of times xD


                                          game mechanics = game knowledge. knowing about agro has nothing to do with your mechanical/coordination skill tho.

                                          like i said if you are talking about simple playing of dota, there definitely is a rhythm and speed to it the better u are. but id just call that fluidity and basically inbuilt game-sense into muscle memory. some call it reflex, but it is slightly more than that.

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            there's no how you press buttons in dota. its just pressing the right buttons. dota is not coordination heavy so unless u are playing a micro heavy hero, there's almost no need to press buttons correctly in dota. so mechanical skill = micro. sure i can accept that. why do ppl use that word for everything non micro as well. lol


                                              even in non micro management heavy heroes there's a heavy micro game at high levels.

                                              this is something that you'll not notice at low brackets as it almost doesn't matter in what way you use your buttons, as long as you use them.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                I think knowledge of hero's, items, spells go with mechanics
                                                To be good mechanically you have to understand how heros, items, spells etc work, there role, when to use them.
                                                Being able to do all this is mechanics.

                                                I think alot of pro players, casters have meshed both knowledge and mechanics together, hence the word being over used.

                                                To answer op question, given your knowledge is correct practice is how you learn to be mechanically good.

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                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                  wtf are you talking jacked ? ahahahahahhahahhahahahhahah, nothing you said doesnt make sense it's like your on heavy drugs lul. game mechanics is not= game knowledge. is how good you executes what you know. mechanical skill is not = micro , or jsut laning phase or something but it includes all of them . yes creep agro it is a mechanical skill, not everyone that know how creep agro works , execute it at same level . about that hero part wtf are you talking? ofc heavy preesing buttons correctly even if you playing a viper or sniper mid for ex. its not all about your hero skill usage thats a small part of mechanical skill, is how you execute the mid lane, how you position for a cs, how use agro correctly, how you haras hwen you have a small advandage, ect, all of this are not just some theorical stuff that everyone can do it. like cuki said thats prety much all that makes the differences in higher brackets, cause you will not find morons that dont know waht they doing, and making some random retarded stuf. they all know waht they ' supposed' to do to win the lane, the one that does it better which means is better at mechanincs will it. i rly dont know how to explain it more clearly is prety much ' HOW GOOD YOU EXECUTE , THINGS THAT YOU KNOW'.


                                                    Never said it was, i said they go together ie you need to know what to do to be able to learn to do it sort of thing.
                                                    Also that pro players and casters have been grouping the two together.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                      @HappyDonut. i understand what you said , ithink that you realise what mechanical skill is but you cant explaine it rly good, ithough maybe i have a better explanation of mine for op, and jacked to understand. jacked is diox in case you dont know i was replying to him in my last post it had nothing to do with you XD

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                                                          Its kind of a confusing term because game mechanics refers to the way the game itself function (eg creeps spawn every 30 seconds or armour reduces physical damage). Mechanical Skill is how good you are at making use of those basic game mechanics which mostly translates to the stuff you do in laning like manipulating creep agro, last hitting, harassing etc. Of course it still applies to aspects later in the game like stacking while farming and abusing fog of war to juke.

                                                          Micro is also misunderstood as people often associate it with controlling multiple units. As Cookie said "non-micro" heroes (eg Drow) still get microed a lot at high levels. Things like attack moving and animation cancelling all fall under micromanagement.


                                                            Its kind of a confusing term because game mechanics refers to the way the game itself function (eg creeps spawn every 30 seconds or armour reduces physical damage). Mechanical Skill is how good you are at making use of those basic game mechanics which mostly translates to the stuff you do in laning like manipulating creep agro, last hitting, harassing etc. Of course it still applies to aspects later in the game like stacking while farming and abusing fog of war to juke.
                                                            Micro is also misunderstood as people often associate it with controlling multiple units. As Cookie said "non-micro" heroes (eg Drow) still get microed a lot at high levels. Things like attack moving and animation cancelling all fall under micromanagement.

                                                            I think the best way to summarise it, or what Mafioso and Cookie said.

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                              @Anomalina. yeah the @TheMaverick427 kinda explained it better , idea is the same.

                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                did you learned the lesson for today jacked? or will you comme tomorrow again XD

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                  Rofl. No mafioso. I only question you because u said mechanical skill is abusing things like creep Agro. That doesn't make sense.

                                                                  @maverick. So to put things in context... people think sumail is good mid because if he plays a hero like drow ranger he Attack moves better than the opposing mid. That's basically what we're saying mechanical skill is now?

                                                                  Look I'm just trying to understand what is it ppl mean when they say mechanical skill.

                                                                  @cookie. Good execution is fundamental skill. It does not necessarily involve anything mechanical (which I think of as involving muscular coordination hence why I prefer if ppl used it to refer to micro).

                                                                  For example, the right move could be (at both Low mmr and high mmr) press r to win the fight. One button. Or maybe 5 buttons (action in a specific order). that to me doesn't involve any kind of mechanical prowress. Or to put it in context of how the term is used, how's that make sumail more mechanically superior and more likely to win mid over another? That's just being better at Dota. Being quicker and more fluid in decision making. It's all the skills u need to be good at Dota. And nothing mechanical per se is involved (unless micro heavy)

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                    lul. creep agro was an argument , and exp to explain mechanical , yes retard creep agro is part of 'mechanics' , whatever else you said it doesnt make sense at. you clearly have no idea about dota 2 at all, cause mechanical skill is basic of dota , and you dont even have single idea what that means lul. you misunderstand micro term also, lul , why do you even play rly? all what cuki and me said about dota mechanics are correct, i see that you dont understand what we talking probably cause you have 0 idea about that, but at that point jsut stick what @TheMaverick427 said. yeah god damnit iknew we would have to repeat same seance that we made yesterday ,xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa


                                                                      Like are you're talking about coordination skills required to do a lot of actions quickly without fucking up, tinker invoker meepo type of heroes? But then again you don't necessarily need to perform 1000 apm in Dota do you?

                                                                      Pretty much this.

                                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                                        honestly idont know wtf are you guys talking. it seems like im talking to completely newbies that just completed dota 2 tutorial. if im bad at explaining things , which im sure imnot cause like 90% of peoples here realised what im talking . than whatch this ., prety much everything bsj talks in the first 10 min, are all 'mechanical stuff'. not only in the first 10 min maybe it goes for entire video , but thats how long i watched.

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                          If you want to work with the Sumail Drow example, he attack moves better, manipulates creep agro better (yes this is part of mechanical skill), he deny's and last hits better, he harasses better, he orb walks better, he pushes out the wave at the optimum time to get runes and abuses the 100 other things that can be considered game mechanics in order to beat his opponent mid.


                                                                            If it makes it clearer, some of the stuff that isn't mechanical skill are things like: Drafting, Itemization (although how you actually use the items is mechanical skill), Map awareness, game stratergy (things like split pushing, deathballing, etc.) and making use of item timings.