General Discussion

General DiscussionEmber Itemization

Ember Itemization in General Discussion

    Please explain to me
    I see in the guides section not every game has veil, sometimes it's Bot rush. The other one is when do get radiance and when maelstrom/mjollnir.
    Why TF do embers still go blademail?


      Every item build is situational. Somegames you want bfury, others you want utility, others you want magical burst.

      Correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe blademail gets a Damage ampification from spell amp. (embers talent) and Ember is a 'paper' frontline hero, he is crazy strong if he can dish out damage, between cooldowns but he is weak when he gets focus'd. Assuming Ember is in the frontline, blademail can negate his 'paper nature'.

      If an ember remnants in and slights, there is a 'downtime' where ember is vulnerable, Blademail reduces this 'downtime he has'.


        Why TF do embers still go blademail?

        same reason you see qop or np go bm sometimes

        Act II Enjoyer

          Baldemail damage is not affected by spell amp or spell lifesteal anymore.


            It used to be 25% dmg reduction with octarine


              Just go for the item u need the most


                They nerfed the blademail interaction that's why I'm asking

                same reason you see qop or np go bm sometimes

                Then why do they go blademail?
                Ur not rlly answering my question

                meteor hammer

                  to reflect damage

                  meteor hammer

                    Riguma Borusu

                      You go blademail because you build kinda tanky with veil and flameguard, so you get into the enemy's face, so if they want to fight you, they get rekt, it's that simple. You kind of want to force people to either try running away while you run them down, or attack you and deal damage to themselves. It's really hard to deal with magic ember early on anyways, since he has insane damage output, blademail just adds insult to injury because it ALSO means you can't focus him to just kill him.


                        The deal with skipping veil?
                        I always go for veil, and immediately kill the enemy mid.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Blademail is good because when you root people they can't do anything but fight you. Also the stats it gives are pretty good for 2200 gold.


                            Just look at one of the guides and maybe tell me why they went for each item
                            Stuff like linkens and shiva's and euls r obvious, but when to go blink and when to skip, when to go rad vs mjollnir, skipping veil and not skipped, etc
                            This confuses me

                            meteor hammer

                              if ur behind or need to depush (hg) mael better than rad because faster power spike and better synergy with fist if you cannot go in

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Is rad even that good on ember? I mean I don't feel like the % magic dmg talent really does much with it honestly, BS has a 40% boost to rad damage and you don't get it every game.

                                meteor hammer

                                  i was never good at anything but bf stacking, but the magic ember goes in and rad is an item that does damage when ur frontlining

                                  it stacks with FG and gives you a ton of regen if you have o. core, it was even more disgusting when the talent was 15% amp

                                  i buy rad on underlord and iguess its a similar concept, tanky frontliner with teamfight skills and spellamp, benefits from blind and more damage. the difference is that ember has durability issues but is more mobile

                                  meteor hammer

                                    im honestly still pissed they killed bf stacking, i have pages of nothing but wins when you could buy 2-3x bf with travel as ur first items and rape everything if you knew how to press d


                                      Try killing an ember with radiance octarine shiva's and the armor talent
                                      He is actually deceptively tanky

                                      The only time I can think that radiance is better than maelstrom is against meepo.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        im honestly still pissed they killed bf stacking, i have pages of nothing but wins when you could buy 2-3x bf with travel as ur first items and rape everything if you knew how to press d

                                        Who killed it? Do battlefuries no longer stack or something?


                                          They killed Mjollnir stacking aswell, I used to play Sniper before with 4 mjollnirs/satanic/Boots + Moon shard, if you had a omni in your team (which I had pretty much all the time because I only did this build with 3/5 stack friends) it was a complete slaughter fest. In 1 of my games we were defending mega creeps for 1 hour and ended up winning the game (almost 2 hour game).

                                          It was this game:

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                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^I actually watched the replay of about 1/4 of that game when you sent it to me on steam, that's hilarious.


                                              The build is actually legit, gattling gun sniper, you become Zeus aswell with those lightning strikes on every hit.

                                              Lmfao 1.6k last hits.

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                                                why is travels rush sometimes better than veil first


                                                  I rush travel on ember to rat lmao


                                                    I feel like you go travel first if u can't fight into the opponent early on(maybe they have a no cast annimation stun or a shitton of silences so you must have a bkb) and it's better to prolong the game so you get your needed defensive items(linkens,shivas,etc)---> you just go BoT and farm up the map.