General Discussion

General DiscussionConfession of A Former Hero Spammer

Confession of A Former Hero Spammer in General Discussion

    In early 2016, after I bought myself a 144hz monitor in order to reach a new height in dota, I decided that I would practice only the heroes that I like playing, at that time it was Riki.

    I loved him before the reform, and after IceFrog implemented tricks and trade, he was getting all the hate so I wanted to do him justice. After really learning about the inside out of the new Riki, I quickly mastered it and easily climbed from 3.8k to 5.0k within 3 weeks. I wrote Icefrog an email on my thoughts about the new Riki and how he would be picked in Ti after a few balance (which he was picked quite alot on ti6 ). To my surprise, IceFrog thanked me for the feedback.

    I had always been a 4k player, with highest achievable mmr being 4.5k before 2016. My first account which I abandoned drop to 3.7k after calibrating 3.9k in end of 2013. My second account dropped from 4.5k to 3.8k at the end of 2015. After that, I felt that I had reached my skill cap after playing so much of riki, so before I could go further, I decided to play back my first account which was sitting at 3.7k. I managed to climb to 5k in that account in 5-6 weeks. Then I created 3rd account, and 4th account with all just playing mostly Riki. Initially I wanted to learn the inside out of all heroes as I was not proficient with most, but I was so caught in the roll that I wanted to be the best Riki player, causing me to ignore learning about other heroes.

    Around May 2017, I reached 6k mmr on all of my 4 accounts which I used to play Rank. I continue to play ranked everyday, and I added Barathrum as my second hero to spam. I was so egoistic that I felt I was very good when in fact I knew nuts about other heroes. Few days ago, I had the sudden realization that If I wanted to be one of the best player in the world, I had to learn all heroes and play them, and also possess the knowledge of hero counters and synergies, as well as master all the mechanics.

    So here I am, I have already stopped spamming heroes, and actually started learning the inside out of other heroes and so far completed 10/113.

    I confessed that I am only 6k in two heroes : Riki and Barathrum and mostly 4ks at most in other heroes. Until I have learnt at least 50 heroes and master them, I would not play 6k games as I dont want to spoil the competitiveness. My dream is to reach 9k and play in Ti one day in the future.

    I begin by randoming in all the matches so that I could have the chance to play.

    Besides that, I have also got a major change in my attitude towards gaming. I used to feel very good and conceited when I had reached high mmr, and was often toxic to teammates. I realized that if we want to really becoming very good in something, we have to always be humble so that we would learn even the tiniest of things, and in my games now I would not flame or waste time in judging others, and I care more about what I can do, learn and create value for my team. I also hide my mmr so that I dont make teammates feel inferior or that I am superior to them. I also care less about winning or losing as I feel that If you want to be the best player, you should afford losing games, as losing is part of the learning.

    TL:DR : if you want to improve in the game, keep learning and focus on your growth. Nullify all toxicity. Be truly humble. Never think that you are already very good, for being conceited would forfeit you any opportunity to learn and grow as a player.

    #One small thing that I learnt few days ago
    -Alchemist's Chemical Rage, Chaos Knight's Phantasm can both disjoint projectiles upon cast. I never knew this before.

    For sure, there is still alot to learn even for a 6K player. This game is really complex, so keep learning and improving. GL Further.

    Ce sujet a été édité

      Hey man keep it pma, good luck in your games. You are randoming heroes in 6k and are still doing well so I'm sure you have a much higher skill cap than the rest of us.


        ooo so u were 3k mmr before spamming 2 heroes...
        so ur 4k player actually xd nice to admit


          btw no one needs ur connfession,mr 29 year old kid




              I used to be a meepo and alche spammer. Now I'm a bat spammer lul


                pma frank what a treat.

                i have 5 reports to use

                  Randoming is like giving yourself a 500 mmr disadvantage for not counter picking and -(how much inefficient you are on that hero) and (-howmuchtheherosucks) so add accordingly to predict your true mmr.

                  stepbro im stuck

                    Keep randoming every game wont make you learn more heroes at once, keep the heroes spaming , but hold on after 40-50 games, youve spent so much time on 1 hero so far.

                    Story Time

                      after spamming 3 heros and being unable to play anything else, I made a new account solely for randoming there :) it is not going to calibrate high (i hope) but i wil llearn some new heros to spam on my main acc


                        To clear some confusions, I learn all heroes this way

                        1) Theory : learn the inside out of the heroes in textbook way via gamepedia, dotabuffs and youtube.
                        2) Test out all the interactions, including said counters using demo mode / lobby mode. Testing out all the itemizations.
                        3) Play them in pub games.

                        When I am done learning the hero, I random pubs to play more heroes so i get a hang of them when I learn them in future.

                        Basically I have played all heroes in the past, but not to the point that I have mastered them in anyway.

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                        TheDoctor (HTPG)

                          next comes the RIKI guide by Zdonkfrank
                          after Cookie's CM


                            fuk dat man I dont read books

                            TheDoctor (HTPG)

                              LMAO hahahaha
                              cookies too long tho
                              hoping zdonkfranks shorter


                                frank make a riki guide from 3k to 5k


                                  but all players are more or less the same, one play one part of heroes better, other play another part, but mmr, is mmr, it shows a lot :)
                                  but more or less happened same for me, when i spammed ursa/legion jungle, and jungle was nerfed, i dropped down from 4896 to 4000 :) would have break 5k no problem, but had not enough time :(


                                    The only hero I've completely mastered is Pudge and I have 1.4k games on him.


                                      whats the point of mmr

                                      . My dream is to reach 9k and play in Ti one day in the future.

                                      woah ok

                                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                        haha.. Frank. what a realisation after you posted shit about me... back then riki is broken, you spam riki, now bara is broken, you spam bara.. all the best to your TI dream though. you need to quit your full time job to do this full time... not sure if age will affect your spinal cord level reflex in clash.



                                          u cuki and all this spam players are actually casual 4k players who just masteted and havr alot games with 1 hero and thats prety much

                                          so u are all empty inside and outside


                                            I don't write guides guy. If you want to learn, you can watch replays. There is no easy way to get 5k and consistently stay there unless you really understand the game well or play the heroes very well. For my case, I have very good knowledge about the game as well as the limits of the heroes I play. There are so many guides out there but we don't see everyone getting super high mmr because if you really want to improve, you have to learn it the hard way - practising more, learning from mistakes, making clutch plays and good calls consistently.

                                            I have been stuck with riki for as long as I can remember. I can play many heroes, but not on the highest level, so I have to up my games by learning and mastering more heroes If I want to go for the highest level. I can easily climb to 7k If I just spam a few heroes I love, but I do not see the point now if my hero pools are extremely low.

                                            In fact, the ability to climb mmr doesn't have much to do with the heroes I play, but the way I play and how I lead the team, and control the tempo of the game. I have many friends who often watch my games commented that I like to start controlling the tempo since first second of the game, especially when I play Riki/Bara, those are the heroes that require least farm and are still very effective in teamfights. I hardly ever played bara before June 2017, and started only learning it since mid June, and played them only in high mmr games, and got decent 64% winrate on 90 games across few accounts. If you are serious about learning the hero, be humble and never feel that you are too good at all, then your potential will be boosted.

                                            To ILC: Riki and Bara have never been broken. I don't spam bara because he is broken. I learnt bara mostly from replay analysis of a friend as well as top players in dotabuff/opendota. I spam heroes that I love, and I try to play them to the highest level. Riki has been nerfed 8 times since my first letter to Icefrog, with the only buff being the low cooldowns of blink strike.

                                            My achievement has shown that by getting really good with few heroes that you love can certainly allow you to climb higher than you can imagine, provided that you have the talent and tenancy. However, it is not an easy task. Sometimes you get teammates who misplayed more than you wished, sometimes you got really good mates. I have many friends and I have also seen many that work really hard to learn the game, and still got stuck at borderline 5k and 4k, not to mention majority in 3ks.

                                            If you want to know whether you have the talents, check how many games you needed to get very high mmr. Some people got to 5k by playing 3000 ranked matches with 51% win rate, some got to 5k by playing just 200 ranked games with 60% winrate.

                                            I am fortunate that I did not need to play any meta heroes in order to climb, and the journey has been very exciting as I have been playing with dota 2 pros from all over the world in the pubs [RTZ, EE, Aui, 1437, Reso, Heen, Black^ and almost all SEA pros].

                                            I have got my plans laid out to learn as many heroes as possible in this year, and once I started to play high mmr rank again, I will create another thread when I hit 9k mmr, and has huge hero pools that I can play confidently.

                                            I will stop vising dotabuff forum for the time being and focus more on learning more about dota 2.

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                              lets race to 9k!


                                                Damn frank even tho u were a complete egostic guy bitching about 5ks, u changed good. Respect bruh


                                                  I wonder how 1 guy can maintain his sanity when literally spamming only one hero


                                                    truly inspiring no Kappa
                                                    if only i could afford my own pc


                                                      Other hero is quite fun too frank

                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy



                                                          the thing about spamming a hero is you don't spam it because it's broken for a short term mmr gain.

                                                          Arc got nerfed a long time ago, but i'm still owning with it.

                                                          what you do is you master that hero so that you can work on non-hero related skills in dota.

                                                          basically literally everything else in dota.

                                                          your mmr with that 1 hero is the same mmr you have with almost any similar hero.

                                                          ''oh you are 2k with everything else but 10k with X hero, you noob"

                                                          that's not how mmr works, simple as that.

                                                          there's hundreds and hundreds of people with 300-3000 matches on dotabuff rankings who are just 4k spamming any hero in the game, you will find them on EVERY hero, just go and check.

                                                          there's hundreds more who are below rankings but are 1-3k

                                                          tl;dr spamming a hero will not gain you anything more than short term mmr, but rather you spam it so you can learn the rest of the game without hero related issues.


                                                            Thanks, bro. I feel that I got a motivation to spamming heroes.


                                                              Well said


                                                                True what @cookie said.


                                                                  BooBie wise words

                                                                  me me arc warden playa

                                                                  holy shit tho still cant believe the att-ho frank changed to wise frank, wp wp wp


                                                                    nice that you actually figured it out urself and said it loud

                                                                    good luck


                                                                      How are you not getting bored by playing 1 hero 5000 times in a row? I have my favorites I like to play the most too, but I couldn't pick them more than 2-3 times in a row, the next game it would feel boring.


                                                                        It is boring because learning the game is boring. It may involve doing the same early game patterns. And u may do the same patterns over and over. and then imagine it's the wrong pattern lul.


                                                                          play more than 3x the same hero in arrow make me want to kill myself


                                                                            Wow Frank I used to watch your Riki play :( well i need another people to learn riki


                                                                              It is all passion and the determination to be really good in something. During 2016 I had a major relationship issue with my ex and I felt depressive to the point that I considered suicide, and Dota was an avenue that I could find solace with in the darkest day of my life, and with the workload of my business I chose to play heroes that are on the lazy spectrum [less farm and and still can impact the game greatly]. I had always been a high self esteem person but relationship issue completely broke me down, and I was in self denial for whole year that the suicide was only a controlled folly.

                                                                              Few days ago, when I talked about the past with my sibling, I cried and wept uncontrollably when I mentioned about suicide, and that was when I fully accepted the fact that I once wanted to commit suicide. The ego then died.


                                                                                because every single hero i picked to spam i enjoy playing.


                                                                                  boy this thread went from 100 to 0 real quick

                                                                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                    Tfw my ego died 2 years ago but I didn't contemplate suicide. Feelsgoodman

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                      damn. bring back frank's ego pls


                                                                                        From having random discussion on his decission in his gaming life where he doesnt see any point of being one hero spammer to talking about wanting to commit suicide and death of his ego 3 posts later. You really dont see stuff like that too often, do you?


                                                                                          keep it real frank, keep it real


                                                                                            Scroll through the forums for DonFrank's comments on threads, you could certainly see the ego. And used to give a lot of hate towards him for being a Riki spammer who would sh*tpost and ruin threads by saying "w/e you guys all below 6k, noobs" or similar things, prompting a wave of hatred that generally went: "shut up Riki spam to 6k, probably 3k worth on all other heroes" and stuff like that, myself included. I hope you're sincere about the turnaround from bein' 'bout dat life. Also I'm sorry to hear about your bout with depression and happy to hear you've gotten out of the funk


                                                                                              roflfuckingmao feelsbadmanao

                                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                @OP, do you get the Riki effect sometimes? To explain, do you think you are invisible when playing non-Riki hero?

                                                                                                and gratz, ofc.

                                                                                                Johnny Rico

                                                                                                  keep pma keep bsj


                                                                                                    Dang frank i still remember playing with u the first time in high 3ks..u last picked riki offlane, I thought the game was already over but however it turned out to b a smooth victory..i wondered how tf did we won but underestimated ur impact throughout the game..its surprising how u climbed to 6k with just riki without feeling tired and shows ur passion and precise skill towards the hero and overall game mechanics.Glad u came out of the misery and heartbreak further dude!

                                                                                                    Mlada i Luda
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                                                                                                      Player 404335202

                                                                                                        i ve watched ur live games/replays ! how do u manage to use 1st and 3rd of both arcs simultaneously ? its like is there any hotkey for being that fast or just i m slow ?