Maybe he needs to get better?
You don't magically gain mmr, if you get good you get higher mmr and if you suck well you don't then.
So as a 3k shitter my advice is just keep playing and only he knows what he needs to improve.
my nick names Zealkhalec, i m 5,7k now on sea server.
there s several different play level on several spot on mmr. like 3,9k to 4,2k, 4,3k to 4,6k, 4,9k to 5,2k, 5,3k to 5,5k
and in every spot of that, its need different skill that u have to learn for going to next level.
before i tell u this formula, u need to learn how to farm well, i mean go demo hero and farm like 5 minutes without losing all dinied and last hit.
like on 3,9k to 4,2k, because on that spot there's so rare ppls taking 2 suport willingly. so u need to play like agresiv as much as possible. like dont ever taking mid with greedy hero like invoker, alche or etc that need farm a lot. and if u carry dont take am or pa or etc. pick like ursa or jugger slark(rushing sb). cause on some chase there 3 carry on ur team or at least 2. u need to help them a lot. and u need some hero that can fight anytime and anywhere.
on 4,3k to 4,6k. in this point u need to learn how to manage ur laning. for example for almost ALL melee carry, ur start item its 2 sliper agility, healing salve, and tangoes. that s basic on melee carry, and u take bounty rune u buy poor man on side shop. when u got first 200 gold from 4 creeps buy queling. and when u facing hard hero like bb lc or ur safelane got 2 enemy u buy magic stick for help u in some condition. that its a little example. so many ppls on this range of mmr not know about how to manage his laning on item. like they rushing midas, or rushing sb or can t adjust at situation.
on 4,7k to 4,9k. on this point, u need to learn how to control map. cz on this point, enemy suport start to roaming u. and if u wanted to improve ur skill stop barking to ur suport. and start learn control map. like if u see on ur minimap 2 suport enemy missing. on that time u need to more carefull about ur act.
on 4,9k to 5,2k. u need to learn that ppls called item decision making. what i m saying its, if u using sf, there s time u need making sb or dager or not buy that two item, or maybe going to meka its not so bad. and when u going slark. there s time that u need upgrade it to silver edge and there s time that not need u to upgrade it.
(note: i can t explain on detail. cz its so a lot of many thing that u need to know on this point. because 5k its spot that seperate pro play and good player. u need to find it with ur self)
but if u really want improve ur mmr so bad. learn how to be good mid player. and on 5k, u can going to other role that u want, cz on 4k there s almost no need to corperate with ur team. the game still can be carry with one player. but on 5k or above, its so fucking imposible to doing that. i have playing dota on last 7 years, i know what i m talking about.
and remember, if u wathicng youtube. dont just copycat it. first of all u need to know the reason why pro player made that item build. or why that pro player max some skills first. u need ask with ur self, dont just copy cat it blindly.
and if u wanted going 6k or 7k when u reach 5k. go play dota ten hours/day. that s the fact, i m not kidding or joking. i wish u not losing ur hope. cz above 5,5k. there so less retard, u got 2 suport. ur carry know how to farm and mid know how to gank or farm. only small chance that u got retard team.
eta gege
"pick hc every game"
you'll be stuck for a long time. any retard can farm and come out with items. and every game has a HC (spec pa sven troll sniper lycan w/e)
What every game doesn't have is a good offlane axe that fends off 3v1, or a good midlane necro, or a good roamer riki. I'd learn those roles too.
"playing aggressive" is another way of saying we dived hg and gave up all the advantage we had.
stick to basics. win lanes, farm items. gank when someone is out of position. counter-gank when enemies dive. rosh between team fights. hg when it's a sure thing.
if the scenario is "shit we have to push like now even if it means we'll lose cuz they have a AM ", you got out-drafted.
Thanks for all the feedback guys <3 Imma show him and see what he has to say about it :D
Woww 5.7k on sea server your patience must be god-level.
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This is not for me but rather a friend whose current mmr averages around 4.2k is having a very hard time raising his solo ranked to 5k in SEA. H dropped form 4.4k to 4.2k and no matter what he does he can't stop dropping. In parties he does well even against enemies averaging 5k mmr. He mains mostly carry heroes. From what I see, he farms well, wins his lane most of the time, gets his core items on time, makes space, takes the initiative to get his team to smoke gank or take objectives, tps to help win fights and babysits tilters. However, he has many loss streaks.
Sometimes his teammates tilt and throw, or refuse to stick and get caught out. Even though he pushed towers for them and rarely gets caught out, he still loses. Rather than entirely blaming team, I'm wondering if there's something missing that we both can't see that's causing him to be stuck in the 4.5k mmr range?
Hoping someone with more experience has better insight on this? Or is SEA server just that cancerous :p