🍪Cooki🍪 - dnes v 18:28
holy shit
i just noticed
i literally understand everything these pro's are doing
i thought it was impossible for me to understand them with my level of knowledge
so i never watched pro games
i litereally exactly know what's gonna happen in advance
omg this is so simple
like idk how to explain
but if you were to apply a 2 tier counter to a 7-8k pub match
you'd get a pro match
if thats what u put out while being serious im scared to see what u do when rue not
to OP: if you are serious in your thread then why you post so much bullshit?
🍪Cooki🍪 - dnes v 18:28
holy shit
i just noticed
i literally understand everything these pro's are doing
i thought it was impossible for me to understand them with my level of knowledge
so i never watched pro games
i litereally exactly know what's gonna happen in advance
omg this is so simple
like idk how to explain
but if you were to apply a 2 tier counter to a 7-8k pub match
you'd get a pro match
i'm not sure what's about this copy pasta but it seems pretty boring to me, if you're trying to get a reaction out of me then step up your game!
you're fucking 3.5k u fucking autistic piece of ****.
Who the fuck you think you are to give some advices?
Fuck *** u fucking f*got
Pa imam i ja smurf koji mi je 4.2k, sta, je l' treba da dodjem i da jedem govna?
Sta glumis neko ludilo, nauci prvo sta znaci rec autistican pa onda dodji i prosipaj mudrost.
Nerviraju me tipovi kao ti... Klasicna lozana.
sprdam se brt nemam pametnije da radim ovaj mesec osim da jebem kurve za pare
a i volim ovaj sajt sto ss ljutis :((( uvalim ti krutii onda ;((
Lineup means almost nothing in 3k. Just tell them to pick whoever has the highest win rate.
i'm not sure what's about this copy pasta but it seems pretty boring to me, if you're trying to get a reaction out of me then step up your game!
Doesnt this count as a reaction?
If enemy takes skywrath mage - i always go silencer core
If enemy takes 3int heroes - i go nyx
If enemy goes int hero mid - i go silencer mid most often
If enemy has no magic damage - i go enchantress
If enemy hashas low hp heroes (sky, pugna, disruptor) - i go tuskar offlane carry
If enemy goes slark/jugger/am - i go legion
If enemy takes 5 melee - i go magnus/enigma
If enemy has no lockdown i go skywrath
And i can first pick riki no matter what and still have goode
Also if team mmr avg is much bigger than mine, i mostly first pick cm or dazzle or other support.
This is my most often used patern in picking a hero, i do not always follow it but still
Whats wrong with you guys? His suggestions are not wrong, or?
Just ignore it, if you are 4k pro gamer!
And ofc picking with brain helps in 1k. how could it not help to have a Magic res Aura against a Magic dmg lineup?
I am 2.5k if you want to blame me for my low skill :).
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If enemie has 4 -5 cores str agi strat (comon in 1-3 k mmr bracket)--> Pick OD Enigma Axe Techies Necro
if enemie has overal low armor heroes mostly int and str ---> Pick SF Slardar Alche or any hero with deso or armor reduction magic
If enemie has mostly magic damage lineul pick Rubick Dusa Huskar Anti mage Silencer Doom Viper LC( hes heal is strong debuff use it on ally )or a hero with standard pipe build like Dark seer etc
If enemie has mostly physical damage line up pick Omni Lich TB(11 armor at lvl 1) Winter W ,Tree , Timbed
It is important also to have a combo in ur team not only counter pick
for example
Sf slardar Naix are a good combo combined with Enigma and a pos 5 silencer or disruptor
pls help me give more ideas for trash kids i feel sorry for them