General Discussion

General Discussionhow to deal with retards

how to deal with retards in General Discussion

    how can you deal with retards when they combine together and wants to report you because i didnt do their obviously dumb idea?
    it kinda scares me to go to low prio becauise of these FUCKING IDIOTS and this makes me tilt.

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      Mute since pick phace/ put some good music on/ play the game

      Potato Marshal

        None, all the dumb throws in my recent games were from low 5k retards who thought that they could do everything by themselves. Or that they could just random any hero and do gimmick builds and get an easy win because they were a few hundred MMR above the match average.

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            if random internet ppl tilt you or make you mad...

            One Fourth of a Concubine

              Find the people that you can trust and stick with them, the retards can have fun dying


                I still haven't figured it out..


                  Chances are the flamers already ran out of reports

                  basement :)

                    Haha, that only happened to me when I was 3k mmr.

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                      yeah i can only hope they already ran out of reports. i always get tilted before i can even mute them because i dont mute them at the start of the game and before i know it i am already throwing and feeding.

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