General Discussion

General DiscussionIs shadow demon worth learning?

Is shadow demon worth learning? in General Discussion

    I've just been finding him fun to play recently.




        Road to Depression wotofok mate? He lit hero, wombo combo with every carry

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          The illusion meta has passed.


            He may be a fun hero, but he sucks a lot rn


              Nt only the illusions, what about the purge thing, 40%+ damage taken(pure if im not wrong) he lit fam but KOTL > The Rest
              Heil KOTL!


                u guys are so retarded
                why would u pick sd for push doto

                u can save from duel from ghostship from bnlackhole from everything plus veil discord spell and ulti threw bkb

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  He can solokill carries lategame. Sadly his illusions got nerfed HARD, they die really fast now compared to before.


                    Depends on how much time you have and how long you plan on playing DotA. If you're in it for the long haul, it's best to learn every hero so you know how to play against them best. There are weird game states that come up where you end up learning things that aren't obvious when playing against another hero. Something like, if Lina doesn't have a Bloodstone by 19 minutes, she is going to be easier to kill to turn off Bloodstone. Other than snowball timings, you can also just feel out positioning as a hero. Knowing a hero i slower than you is one thing, knowing how it feels to be running is another.

                    If you like the hero, and you're in it for the long haul, the pendulum is eventually going to swing the other way and he'll be useful again at some point.


                      the nerf on this hero was big and upsetting, the hero's fun and not too popular


                        like 2 more buffs and he might be a viable mid i think


                          Praise KOTL(not too much tho, he might be nerfed in the next update rofl)

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                            He is still v. strong vs some carries (like Morph or TB). Situational pick, I think he is good.

                            Dark Hunter

                              Had a SD in one of my games today actually. Was schocked. Haven't seen him being picked for like 200 matches. We totally rekt the lane actually. I'd say he's strong in certain games. Def. worth learning.


                                Sure disruption can save, doesn't mean it's primary purpose wasn't making fat ass Luna illusions that take ur barracks before they nerfed that shit

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                                    Knowledge is easy to carry.


                                      Inb4 sd mirana aa wombo dagons

                                      Story Time

                                        what happens if SD disrups the disruptor, who is the real disruptor then?


                                          I've seen like 2 shadow demons...ever...and one of them was like two days ago. He saved literally everyone from kunkka.


                                            anti core, anti mobile heroes like bs & anti passive dependent heroes


                                              used to play a bit of shadow demon. his biggest nerf was the damage scaling and mana costs to shadow poison. it's harder to harass offlaner whereas before you could kill them more easily at level 1

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                He's only really good if you have good targets to make illusions of, both shadow poison and his ult are kind of mediocre abilities. Although it's sometimes easy to forget that disruption illusions are some of the strongest non-ultimate illusions in the game and only have 4 seconds of downtime.


                                                  Sucks balls but I still got raped solo vs an offlane sd


                                                    ult dmg should go through magic immunity imo

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      His ultimate is like a bad hybrid of viper ultimate and oracle purge.


                                                        he's a 50-50 hero, which means you get no statistical advantage by picking him.

                                                        if you like playing him, then yes it's worth it.