General Discussion

General Discussionhow i could win this

how i could win this in General Discussion

    BY destroying the enemy ancient.
    You had a big KDA- congrats. You didnt hit any buildings and thats why you lost


      have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

      meteor hammer

        ur items suck ur damage sucks ur farm sucks

        most of all you probably didnt make th erosh calls you needed to win but hey its ur game


          stop imitating you monkeys, its not funny , find your own joke , or " phrase', or whatever the correct word it's. you rly looks like a retard ' destroy enemy ancient',. deeeeeeee, i look cool saying this cause cuki says it. your photo explains everything tho @aids. @This lane is awful(3)... who knows how can someone answer that jsut by watching the stats, it was a 1h long game , probably a lot of shits happened there. and who knows maybe you could not win , you know it doesnt exist the perfect player in dota 2 , some games will be lost, but im sure you already know that, you probably want to be 'cocky' oh guys see i was 18-2 , but my team feeds. no one cares.


            memes are made to grow and spread, like cancer, you can't just simply say staph.

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                lol, sometimes i feel that there are only 2 persons in this forum. me and cuki.


                  Maybe it's cuz u haven't tried destroying the enemy ancient


                    Why do you have blademail at 36 min?
                    Also ember has a hard time hitting buildings tbh


                      Ye and I had a lot of gold but blademail was the only way to deal with OD cos my carry BS wasnt smart enough to build bkb and I was muted so couldnt say him
                      Therefore, I was the only one who could deal with OD catching his ult into blade mail

                      fast queuer

                        this lich is so shit


                          2016 called, it wants its ember build back

                          GRANT MACDONALD

                            That lich did all he could. He bought 20 more wards than the enemy support and im willing to gander he was the only one dropping them. With an LC, slark and WR i doubt he could spend much time anywhere but near his cores

                            fast queuer

                              26 sentries are waste of money,nothing but 50 min mek,, feeded like 300 duel damage

                              meteor hammer

                                why do supports get a free pass

                                that lich died way too fucking much, has a comeplte garbage build, crippled himself buying sentries and then immedialtey fed because he has no goddamn money

                                as a support its ur job to ensure that you get at least 1 item by 20 mins, and that item isnt fucking mek in most cases, especially not as a starved bitch 5 pos with TWENTY TWO FUCKING DEATHS

                                fast queuer

                                  i wouldnt have bought single ward in this game, as if i support jungle axe and safe lane bloodseeker


                                    Take down structures?


                                      supports do not get a free pass in my book. esp if they are severely underleveld and start flaming cores "oh i m not supporting anymore" like they dont have to have any game impact just because theyre supporting


                                        Why TF is blademail the best way to deal with od?
                                        He just astrals and waits lmao
                                        Just buy bkb urself


                                          your team has literally one bkb against OUTWORLD DEVOURER
                                          what were you THINKING?


                                            LITERARLY DOGSHIT