General Discussion

General Discussion6k 7k players here , i want to ask u all

6k 7k players here , i want to ask u all in General Discussion

    What kind of life u guys have ?

    I guess u play speak watch dota everyday , but

    Hows the situation with people around u ?
    Do you guys hide that u are in a top 0,5 % of one big game in your further family know u are good at game?

    Do u guys work,go out , have gf , gym etc like a normal person who never played video game in life or u are all different from ordinary people ?






          gofuk urself ty


            I am a shutin nerd whos only thoughts revolve solely around defense of the ancients. I haven't seen a woman in 8 years let alone touched one. My idea of exercise is when I walk from my computer to my fridge. Without this single minded dedication to the game it is unlikely I would be able to hit 4k let alone 6k. I would tell my friends about my virtual accomplishments but much like Buddhist monks who have to cast aside material possessions to reach true enlightenment, to become good at Dota you have to 100% sacrifice your social life.

            Hardy Boy Kels

              I seriously want to know this too 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️👨‍✈️


                Lol. Its just like any hobby that you can be good in and go pro.

                Im sure most of the high mmr players are normal people.


                  op is stoooooped

                  meteor hammer

                    I am a shutin nerd whos only thoughts revolve solely around defense of the ancients. I haven't seen a woman in 8 years let alone touched one. My idea of exercise is when I walk from my computer to my fridge. Without this single minded dedication to the game it is unlikely I would be able to hit 4k let alone 6k. I would tell my friends about my virtual accomplishments but much like Buddhist monks who have to cast aside material possessions to reach true enlightenment, to become good at Dota you have to 100% sacrifice your social life.


                      im a total legend


                        I'm not 6k

                        Keep It Rinse

                          Killua Chan fake 6k

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            If they are only 6k or 7k by 2017 they are probably contemplating suicide

                            me, government hooker

                              high mmr players are normal people.



                                Yea yea yea FUCKYOI


                                  an hour ago
                                  LAST MATCH
                                  SOLO MMR
                                  PARTY MMR
                                  WIN RATE

                                  I am a shutin nerd whos only thoughts revolve solely around defense of the ancients. I haven't seen a woman in 8 years let alone touched one. My idea of exercise is when I walk from my computer to my fridge. Without this single minded dedication to the game it is unlikely I would be able to hit 4k let alone 6k. I would tell my friends about my virtual accomplishments but much like Buddhist monks who have to cast aside material possessions to reach true enlightenment, to become good at Dota you have to 100% sacrifice your social life.


                                    ywn is not normal, he still has the best suggested videos on youtube 11/10 would weab again


                                      -ywn is pro ! i dont know why he dont joing any team


                                        i find cutnpaste comment a troll and my thread is serious .

                                        @ywn why u got mad like kid tell us ur story bro

                                        frank u didnt answer me nothing u see i wrote down more questions i want to be answered

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          CP You're the best bruh. Keep it real

                                          Story Time

                                            oh this is the guy who cant figure how to masturbate properly :D LOL KEK


                                              I masturbate alot and play dotes alot and sleep alot and yes i have gf

                                              Im 6k cuz frank is 6k

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                Dude frank is 6k, that means that 6k doesnt require any special genius genes


                                                  most of em have shitons of smurf, very long playtime. I have one old friend whos reach 6k with tons of 4-5k acc, and hes a dropoutboy feelsbadman


                                                    just play a bit and watch anime more kappa


                                                      inb4 bws 3k acc is from him


                                                        Am I the only one who think op is salty?

                                                        basement :)

                                                          I am always in this posture sucking my own semen and recycling it, so I never must leave my chair.


                                                            yawn is LAME MAN

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              SOLO MMR

                                                              Tells people to kill themselves for being 7k in 2017
                                                              And he still plays the game too


                                                                My alma mater is 11th ranked in world and 1st in asia.

                                                                That tells you that some high mmr players are not dropouts who plaa dota all day


                                                                  you studied in singapore?


                                                                    ^ my alma mater nanyang tech, class 2014

                                                                    all role player

                                                                      Thats Riki spammer for You.
                                                                      Doesnt need to many game to reach 6k

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                      all role player

                                                                        I wishes i can reach 6k like u Frank senpai