General Discussion

General Discussionbehavior score

behavior score in General Discussion
Pronocol | Røhd Tu Tåpp Wåhn

    how do i check behavior(command), and what is good to have.


      Type "developer 1" into console, then "dota_game_account_debug"
      you will find it among the last values.

      9,6k is decent. I have 9,5k. The closer to 10k the better. I heard that over 8k is fine over 9k is excellent.


        average is proably in between 9.0 and 9.5k


          nice dunning-kruger triple :D

          as if they would design a scale of 1-10000 where the average lies between 9 and 9.5k :)

          Pronocol | Røhd Tu Tåpp Wåhn

            wow, i got 9898 :D


              they did tho
              im not taking my own bs into consideration. ppl way more toxic than average are 8k pretty often, while all the ¨normal¨ppl who jsut dont flame-abandon are 9.7-9.9


                i have 8k and i don't flame/abandon.

                Potato Marshal

                  I have 10k and flame, though I recently abandoned a game and I don't think my BS score has updated to reflect that yet.

                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                    mine is 9.5k


                      Where is console? How to get into console? Tech noob here.




                        Open the Steam client
                        Navigate to Library tab
                        Right click Dota 2
                        Select Properties
                        Navigate to General tab
                        Click Set Launch Options...
                        Enter -console in the text field
                        Run Dota 2
                        then in the hotkeys set a key to use for opening the console.


                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                          i have 8.8k and i have people flame/abandon

                          Mlada i Luda

                            why do you even care about behevior score it means nothing ? you are some deluded kids that want to jsutify your bad winrate with your bs. your retards.


                              ^the hype started after the most recent patch which added a feature to the MM which matches newcomers with ppl with high BS. Now all the ppl that were not involved in the hidden pool discussions previously and havent ever heard of BS, are seeking answers.

                              Priestess of the Moon

                                905 score ama

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  @Rocket , triplesteal is almost right about it. but he doesnt know how to explain it cause he probably learned that stuf from my comments before about bs. 9k is known as the average or normal behavior score, cause mostly of players ar at that BS. so 8k is not bad its slightly under average, 7k is bad , and everythign under 6 k is known as "hell", doesnt matter that much if its 1000k or 6000k at that point.


                                    is it cookie posting again

                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      if your brain is not completely damaged , and your memmory in both short and long terms is completely fucked up, than i will rember yo uthat cuki was the one that ' leaded' this forum . mostly of them into the fight against me about behavior score, well its more that they followed them blindly.


                                        so what

                                        Mlada i Luda

                                          are you high??????


                                            8.9k but then again I called my team retarded in my last game :)

                                            Mlada i Luda

                                              thats why that is an "area" covered with a moving number , and its not a system where things are black and white, where people are good or bad. everyone at some point with do some bad shit , it depends how often you do it , how much you compensate for it getting commends , for different reason jsut as report are made fro different reason from different person.


                                                theoretically I suppose it is possible that everyone starts with 10k and then you lose points based on particular behaviours/reports etc.

                                                I could see the distribution of behaviour scores being an 'inverted bell curve' where most of us hang out between 7-10k depending whether we have a recent abandon (abandons really screw your score) and then most of the rest would be down at 1-3k and hence the stories of hidden pool.

                                                I think 5k must be a place you pass through because anyone toxic will quickly get triggered by their fellow toxic players and quickly drop into hell.


                                                  I'm probably 5k bs right now
                                                  But who cares I still win my games

                                                  all role player

                                                    7k seems nc