Re-use courier is nice but you can always just tell the courier to go back to delivering their items anyway
Its useful sometimes when you take courier before its even picked up their items and thus you cant make it go back to delivering to them.
i have the true captain wheel.
Go, push, group up, split push, roshan, get back, deward, and only one non game related 'well played' for the team morale.
Need new chat wheel phrases
Like "Stop feeding couriers please"
Or "reported"
Or "Enjoy Low prio"
Or "2 tango, 1 ward"
Or "Stfu"
Or "[All] easy game
When i snatch rune i say okay then i will spam my bad i will do the same to the opposite. Then i have roshan and well played for obvious reason. >frog
Chat wheel:
The chat wheel simply isn't enough to communicate everything, that's why I use as many Alt-modifiers as possible without it being overwhelming. Needed especially for someone who mutes chat to avoid trash talk and relies solely on game-related communication.
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