agh is pretty much core on ogre carry, so good to one shot those supp with the DING DING DING MTFCKR
phase drums maelstrom bkb blink mjollnir?
maybe fit in bloodthorn?
halberd, solar crest, linkens, hex, radiance, ac, vlads, all sound good to me.
@road to ... i looking at him as carry and how you think about this build:
power boot, midas( for early game), mask of madness, snage and yasha, assualt, aghanim and maybe return in mid part
amazing idea lets build right click on a hero that has no inherent right click power, doesn't scale well at all, and can't farm
if ogre was viable as a core u don't play him right click rofl
probably only magic build like bloodstone - aghs - blink - eblade - octarine idk etc
Please dont play ogre carry, looks retarded when there are dozens of better carries.
I dont even think he could become a utility core like veno
Play him middle. Buy Mana Boots into Midas into Veil of Discord into AGHS. Skill him normally.
well tell that to sumail who played right click aa in a pro match
ogre has bloodlust
this isnt abt viability its abt memes
yes exactly......op obviously wants to try it for fun....i think waga went for a core ogre offlane in his 4k smurf...dont remember the build tho...but it definitely had a midas since ur a shitty farmer...and yes it was a right click build...however i do remember seeing core magic damage ogre..its bloodstone eblade aghs lens shivas... and its strong af
i remember some of the build, he went for midas battle fury, octarine, dont remember other items.
^It's bf+midas. (not sure about the midas one, but he did buy bf). Still, magic damage is still way better.
shadow blade, echo saber, basher, linken, bkb, diffusal
works in sub 5k with all low mmr kids
too hard to play him mid now. There are way too many creeps mid. Right now if the other mid hero has aoe you just get run over by creeps.
Flying courier is a better carry than ogre. Yeah @road has a good build. Violet boot, battlefury/Mjolnir, Blink Dagger, BKB. These are core items. All proc based items and armor items seem to feet him+ aghs+ hex.
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