General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy slark is weak in this meta

Why slark is weak in this meta in General Discussion

    In my team or in enemy team doesnt matter,he just loses lane&game.What happened?


      50 consecutive nerfs


        Safelane carries that are weak in lane don't belong in this meta



          actually now that im looking at the hero tabs im not sure if there are any actually meta carries
          seems like everything is playable, or more like everything is equally garbage


            slark needs to snowball really hard so either pick it against soft squishy heroes like sniper etc... or dont pick it at all as you'll end up lossing the game if they simply 5 man up every time 1 aoe stun and miss used q and u basicly die.

            Lahai Roi

              He is weak yet remains a top pick at 5k+ bracket?


                we need a 6k+ bracket


                  So I dont need to be concerned that half my CK games i loose the lane and have to go recoverymode?

                  earlier i always won my lane with CK, even against axe or BB. now i just get destroyed in lane

                  Erase Humanity

                    He is one of those item dependent late game carries and those heroes aren't viable currently. Quite similar to Spectre, Anti-mage and the rest of that league.


                      everything is equally garbage

                      This pretty much

                      Fee Too Pee

                        Slark literally have nerf , nerf , even more nerf when he is already weak.

                        Yet people still first picking him....

                        And have really some hard counter like axe and am


                          @LMFAO bat got nerf after nerf after nerf people still pick him :v


                            ^because bat is op And now situational
                            While slark is situational And nerfed to garbage


                              okey time to start ....

                              casual gamer

                                yes 5k normies get out


                                  what rab8 said solve the topic