General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on dk mid

Tips on dk mid in General Discussion

    Hey been playing dk in my ranked and frankly, i suck.
    So part from get 6 and push t1s is there any advice you can give me early-mid game?
    (also when to pick which items would be very helpful too)

    deep name + dark anime pfp

      i guess u should go for some kind of objective whenever u have ur ulti up, get mid t1 first and then farm between ur ulti. and when ur ulti is up u go either fight with ur or get another t1. i dont play the hero so i dont know if this is right or not :P (sounds kind of right at least)


        pick timber this hero rapes evryone in low mmr


          i dont think dk is a good hero for ur bracket

          Dire Wolf

            Build mjollnir and farm/push like crazy. stout or poor mans shield + points in dragons blood and you won't get bullied out of lane, quelling blade if you need it to cs in lane. Many players then go for armlet or silver edge, I don't really like either. I just do like treads, wand, dragon lance, maelstrom, s&y or finish mjollnir, bkb if needed, ac/heart/daedulus.

            Lance is really good on him just to supplement his hp with his high armor, and range is great for killing towers. It's just a good stat item.

            Yung Beethoven

              ^^is right. I doubt that too.

              Dire Wolf

                dk is solid for any bracket, not top tier in any either. He's balanced. Silencer and OD destroy him though.


                  Dk is a very oriented Around a team push draft. Hence not really good for Low skill pubs

                  Dire Wolf

                    I disagree, you can turn him into a beastly carry, the problem is he farms really slow. Mjollnir fixes that. If you can do well in lane and rush it, get it like ~20 minutes he farms fine, then you get regular carry items like ac, daedulus and he does a ton of damage. With his move speed talent at 25 he is ridiculously fast and mobile.


                      start with a boots and salve. EZ WIN


                        Don't use breathe of fire to ks, use it early in a fight instead.


                          Listen to the wolf man and you will hit 6k

                          주 롄양

                            Or get lv 12 asap and he become ranged sven

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              Don't buy phase


                                I've been getting great answers from this thread, but quick question does breathe fire only reduce base damage like anchor smash?

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  theres no mechanic in dota that amplifies green damage so probably only base


                                    all damage reduction that are % based work the same way afaik