General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat heros are able to win lane without support?

What heros are able to win lane without support? in General Discussion

    Wat carry hero allows the support to roam without them needing to help lane?




        jugg, ls, legion (not commenly pos 1 but it happens), weaver, fv,






              Depends on the match ups. There is no one hero that can beat any lane. If their was that would be broken.
              Their are heroes that can solo as mentioned above but that does not mean they will win the lane


                I think pa can sit back even against the hardest lane and keep throwing daggers for lasthits


                  will i get lynched for saying brood?


                    ^ they get dust / sentry and brood will die early at the lanning stage


                      Depends on the enemy offlaner. Timber for example will fall behind against an ursa, but will catch up once he gets his burst going. Antimage will get his farm against many offlaners in a 1v1 scenario, while other offlanes will wrack him. Same for safelane clinkz.

                      A safelane spectre is food in every scenario.

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                      Lisan Al'Gaib

                        ls, pa and sometimes morphling; depends on the picks

                        Fee Too Pee

                          AM vs meele offlaner , Lifestealer , Lone druid (dead hero thou) , Faceless Void


                            Weaver, WR, OD


                              Necro also


                                Brood just sits back in the lane while controlling her babies to last hit and can rotate to jungle only known legit counter is zues


                                  Also as one who plays brood you always jave blue watds with you


                                    Pretty sure there are a lot of way for a brood to deal with her lane counters


                                      plenty of solo offlaners. abaddon, clockwerk, timbersaw.. etc. obviously it'll depend on the matchup.
                                      you get lvls faster than the carry if you can last hit and they're babysat.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Troll works against most heroes because he can be ranged or melee, has a very decent nuke with blind for only 50 mana, very good at trading harass and has like 10 armor at level 1 with Berserker's Rage.


                                          Mirana, furion, sf, sand king, pa, silencer, drow, pudge, jugg

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                                          Dire Wolf

                                            It really depends on the matchup but troll is really good cus he can go ranged and avoid harassment, and then melee with that armor plus a pms means you can't kill him easily. 1v1 troll will beat almost any offlane, and even 2v1 he can go ranged and hang back.

                                            PA can be good. Sniper and viper are susceptible to ganks but quite good 1v1.


                                              Jugg since he has magic immunity and healing ward and Slark since he just needs to leech exp until he has his ult and he can get back to farming again, yeah you can leave these 2 alone in a lane for a while so that you can roam or stack neuts.


                                                Agree w troll. Hard to lose lane as troll


                                                  Troll is the best solo laning hard carry. I play him mid exclusively and win over most conventional mid-laners like invoker, storm, even puck (however I think he'll have a very tough time against Tinker). While playing mid troll, i go a more fast-paced, fighting style build with wraith band into phase into RoA into S&Y and sb (picking up a casual morbid mask when i want to smoke rosh)

                                                  Tho when you talk abt offlane, some aggressive trilanes that include pests such as batrider, undying, underlord, silencer, etc. all together can fuck even the best solo laning carrys. For example, in my last ranked game a batrider-undying dual lane completely reckt me as sven

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                                                    As long as its a Solo offlane Medusa is the Best hero

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      You won't have to worries about losing lane or support player if you juggling.


                                                      Mr. Jin

                                                        How to win a trilane with solo and the 2 enemy supports rotate to ur jungle if u leave the lane.

                                                        If u come back they come back to ur lane again. Their job basically to give u hell whereever u go.


                                                          Ask your mid lane/offlaner to gank, well if you have a sniper offlane or an injoker mid, then expect yourself to lose.


                                                            Also people sometimes pick spectre/techies/AM/drow offlane, if you have one of those heroes as offlane, expect to lose all lanes


                                                              when you play solo off and 2 supporta are hugging you trying to ruin your lane your are doing fine. if they sit in your lane they cant gank mid.

                                                              and your pos 4 can gank their lanes...unless ofc you have a jungler, just run down mid/buy shadowamulet in this case

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                                                                the jungler is pos 6 right? since pos 4 is forced to play pos 4 and 5 at the same time, same for pos 5...