General Discussion

General Discussionstuck at 700-800 mmr

stuck at 700-800 mmr in General Discussion

    Hellow guys it've been a long time and i'm stuck at 700-800 mmr , when ever I climb to 1k i droped again, I've been playing long time ago and i know most basics of the game but my mmr still sucks any tips so that i could improve? Or i'm gonna stuck here forever.


      watch the replay of someone in high 3k who plays a hero/role you want to focus on

      i think a replay from someone of that mmr would be the most relevant to you, compare it your own gameplay and spot the differences. watch your own replays and compare.

      you can go from 700-800 mmr to 3k skill (although grinding up there might take longer) within a week or two of playing.


        i was once in you spot bro , what i did was like this , i played vs bots as every hero in the game until i am satisfied=did a good damage with them/felt like i get a grasp of their play style ,then i pick one hero that i liked the most (focus on only one at first) and learned almost every thing about him (watching streams, high level players , reading guides) after that go into the game and play your own game , consider your team like neutral phenomena who might cause random action in your favor or not . in range 0-2000 mmr at least everybody goes carry so don't feel guilty for not supporting


          I watch pro plays sometimes I do learn alot but in low mmr my team always feed i'm trying to be cold asp but we still end up losing even after having hard carries in our team but any ways I will do what u said ty for the tip


            @The Rider yes I play with bots hard mode sometimes but should i try every single hero in the game? Will that help me to climb and get better even if i don't like playing full carry ? And thanks altot


              Spam hero that can snowball . And if you're good enough you can win with feeder in your team


                I remember when i was 1200 MMR, and couldn't really beat most difficult bots. Lel


                  what are you two talking about

                  stop watching pro replays or replays of high mmr players. thats not a level that you guys play at yet. imagine dota is soccer, you guys are essentially trying to learn moves like the rainbow flick when you should be focusing on just moving the ball to the enemy goal.

                  if you're stuck <3k, it means you've learned the game horribly wrong and developed extremely bad habits, especially if in your opinion you're tryharding yet cant seem to rise because i have friends who are clueless at the game (don't watch replays dont read guides dont know jack about meta) yet still manage to get 3k

                  when i was rising mmr, i DID NOT bother with trying to anaylze 7k replays or crap like that because i simply was not able to recreate the way they played with my abilities. i rose from 3.9~5.5k mmr in a month by watching replays of my own games AND people i played with whom i thought did well. and it worked because i learned things relevant to myself and the skill level i'm playing at.

                  its why you get all the low mmr players on this forums trying their best with farming patterns and all that jazz yet still losing, because these things aren't essential at all to win at your skill level. you should be working on spotting kill potentials and etc...


                    @ken I like playing luna,cm,wr,viper,riki but i don't think i can win sole by them which heroes do u suggest for me?


                      Invoker, Chen, Earth Spirit, Meepo and Visage.


                        the point is , when i start dota i was shocked of how strong is every hero , always played safe and don't want to fight until i am like 2 slots ahead , when you play almost every single hero (no need for the likes of io of course because no one picks it) now you got a general idea about their cooldowns , their bad and good match ups and what things killed you so you do it when they against you, for me personally i was a hook magnet and hated pudge like no other thing in my life until i picked him few games and realized how easy you can trade with him and destroy him just because the fact that his damage is too predictable and that he almost hurt himself as much as he hurt me


                          Meepo,Sf,Ta,Invoker and mostly mid lane hero. But like nami said you need to "learn" about dota to get better at the game . Try to watch your own replay , see your player perspective and spot your mistake


                            @nami so u watch the reply if ur own every single game? I used to do this but not every single game , is this the only way that helped u to improve even if u play any role ? And thanks alot btw


                              Don't watch all game . You usually watch the game you lose a close game and analyse what you shouldve done to win that game for example


                                Thank you all guy I will do what you said and try harder


                                  Base from your past fights, you are too stagnant in your item builds, that's one problem. If you know the basics, thn I guess time to step up and learn to adapt to the enemy heroes. Like in your one viper game, you were against a spectre and sniper, building silver edge, and priority to assault cuirass and shiva's guard would have made a difference. Your Luna has the highest win rate and most prolly you're pretty good at it, but if you'll be building the same items in every game, don't expect to win every time. Continue to adapt in both item building and how you approach fights.

                                  all role player

                                    dude what... even my ex gf that really suck at playing game and teaching her little can calibrate around 2k
                                    i dont think dota is your game bro


                                      It's rlly not hard to climb out of that MMR I did it in 2 days

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        probably play something else


                                          @drarus yea Ik I'm bad at iteams build I just follow common builds


                                            @lelouch lol I'm a girl btw and i don't mind if i suck at the game all i wanted was to learn smth that makes me better if you have smth good to advice then do if not then don't ty :)


                                              @Melody - It's a hard MMR to crawl out of. I just got up from 900 to 2k (today actually, officially). I had the misfortune to calibrate 2 years ago, set dota down for awhile, and then come back. The 1.4k that I calibrated at has stuck with me forever. Had a bad month and it went downhill from there, all the way to 900 MMR. Best advice I've seen here (and I've taken myself) is to find a hero that can snowball on their own, regardless of how competent your team is. WK seems to be working fairly well in this regard, but counters are a thing, so be aware and know how to deal with them.

                                              Other advice I can give is that item builds are not static. They must change depending on the enemy you're working against. Learn what works best and what priority they should have. If you need a BKB but want X other item, consider getting what you need prior to what you want.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                @juce gratz for your climb Ik it was hard to climb from such low ranked and I will work on iteams build more guys thanks alot


                                                  IDK if you can get out of that mmr but try your best and GL.

                                                  True North

                                                    git good.


                                                      Nami has a point. I played bots and didn't know about item builds for a very Long time. I don't think u should say u understand the basics if u don't know how to itemize. Well I would follow in game guides they are pretty good.


                                                        What country do you live in? You seem to be playing in different servers.

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          Learning how to itemize is not about reading guides but using your brain, understanding what you need to do at what moment, what your hero needs to accomplish victory both on a small scale (the next skirmish, gank, whatever) and in general to win the game. It is about knowing what items do, why they do it, how you can best utilize that, etc.

                                                          You should have a clear idea of who you can kill and who can kill you, you should position on the map in a way that you are away from danger while being in a position to accomplish whatever your goal is, be it farming, ganking, whatever.

                                                          You need to use your brain. That's it. Every person with 500 games who can use their brains for this game is going to be at least 2k if they play ranked. I calibrated at 1100 MMR when I had sub 100 games because I am an idiot, but I quickly learned a few basic things in unranked, so when I started playing ranked, I had a retarded (over 80%) winrate.

                                                          All it took was many games and use of mental facilities. No guides are going to help you if you do not use your mental facilities to increase your chances of winning the game. Sure you can theorycraft all day and still be shit at dota, but I mean in an actual game, you can start with thinking what you're going to the lane with, what the opposing heroes or a hero are going to be, what they are going to buy, how you can buy something that counters that or push them out of the lane, and so on. I mean, you can already predict or think about those very basic things at the start of the game, as soon as you see picks. Just understanding this, that the enemy has a necro BB offlane, will help you realize that you can't buy a quelling blade at the start, that you need to buy 3-4 sets of regen and leech or go somewhere else to farm or do whatever, or learn not to pick a squishy melee hero against picks like that, and so on.

                                                          I mean, there are so many fucking things there are to learn, and item guides do literally nothing.


                                                            @RPQ-sama so you are saying that i should stop playing ranked now and play normal till I learn which items are best for my hero dependes on the match situation? And how can i learn what item is best for my hero against other hero when i've never played that hero? If i followed just the defult guild will this not help ?

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              Yeah, following guides without understanding why those items are suggested is stupid. Following skill guides without understanding what skills really do and how they scale doesn't help you get better at the game, either.

                                                              If I were you I'd just spam unranked for a while and try to think hard about the game, because I honestly don't think you're doing that. I do it naturally as I am an extremely analytical person, but if you aren't then you are going to try to look for guides.

                                                              Play a lot of heroes to try them out, see what you understand the best and focus on that. Learning one hero well, his weaknesses and strengths helps you get better at the game in general, because there is so much to dota even if you only play one hero. If you are bad at dota and don't think enough, playing all 100+ heroes doesn't do anything for you. Because even if you start thinking about and understanding a single hero, it's very underwhelming once you move to the next one.

                                                              So just focus on a few heroes (3 max), spam them in unranked, try to see what you're strong against, what you're weak against, how you can abuse the enemies being bad players (by becoming a better player over time), and slowly rise your unranked MMR.

                                                              After a while you'll be able to return to ranked and blow games out of the water with 80%+ winrate.


                                                                Thank you alto! I've been playing a long time but was only following the builds now I will start read more about items and see if it will help me to improve ,once again ty


                                                                  I just hit a 60% ranked Winrate and that's pushing it out of the 40% Winrate I had before

                                                                  Kenny Dope

                                                                    Check this youtube channel named dota2bowie, in it he make in depth analysis on how pro players play the game, he also has videos where he compares low and high mmr players. I am sure you will learn many new things to improve your game


                                                                      play against unfair bots, if u can win with supports like CM etc, im 100% sure u will be above 1k mmr

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        ^Don't do this shit, playing vs unfair bots is stupid because they cheat, and because it in no way relates to real dota.


                                                                          Unfair bots is good for learning if you're below 1k


                                                                            try to play the objectives, split push ( remember you win when you destroy the ancient, not get more kills ). spam heroes like Nature's prophet, Naga siren( with radiance) or even meepo ( it's not hard at all ).

                                                                            if you want to dominate and snowball pick heroes like Slark, Riki because players in low mmr will not buy gems, dust or even sentry wards.

                                                                            if your team already picked 4 carries, don't pick a fifth, just pick support, help your team, it is likely the other team will pick 5 carries -> no vision, utilities. warding and providing some utilities for your team will help alot!.

                                                                              Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                                                                                I disagree with what most of the previous posters have mentioned.

                                                                                I don't see any problem with following item and skill builds - at least not when they are accurate. Some heroes, such as Slark, Sven, Lifestealer, and Juggernaut, have fairly standardized builds that you can follow in the majority of games and that will serve you well. These are all carries. If you are looking into supports, there it becomes a bit more game-dependent what items you buy.

                                                                                In fact, if you look for a hero to play as a beginner, you should look for heroes that follow standardized builds, because this will allow you to focus on other aspects like last hitting and taking the right engagements.

                                                                                As a beginner, I would look for heroes that satisfy the following

                                                                                1. escape: you want to have some form of escape mechanism in case you are caught out of position. E.g. Lifestealer and Juggernaut both have an inbuilt BKB, which you can often activate and TP out without being killed. Escapability must not necessarily be a skill of the hero but can also be achieved through items (e.g. Shadow blade on Slark).
                                                                                2. sustain: you want to be able to stay in lane and farm without depending too much on your supports. Lifesteal can help (e.g. Wraith King and Lifestealer have lifesteal auras, Sven usually buys Mask of Madness). Some heroes have healing Abilities (e.g. Juggernaut and Slark).
                                                                                3. standardized build: as argued above, standardized builds are good for you since they will allow you to concentrate on other aspects of the game. It takes a lot of experience to efficiently itemize yourself, and this is something that most low mmr players simply do not have.
                                                                                4. ability to farm: you want to be able to farm reasonably fast. Antimage and Sven are prime examples that fall into this category.
                                                                                5. easy mechanics: avoid illusion heroes (Naga, Terrorblade, Alchemist) or other carries that require advanced mechanical skills (Ember, Meepo).
                                                                                6. Solokill potential: at low mmr, you don't want to permanently rely on your teammates to get kills. Heroes like Sven, Juggernaut, and Ursa all can solokill most supports throughout most parts of the game.

                                                                                I probably missed a few criteria that are also desirable for beginners.. feel free to add them to the list.

                                                                                In my opinion, Juggernaut, Lifestealer, and Wraith King are 3 carries that satisfy most of these criteria. I would recommend you to pick any one of those 3 and play it repeatedly in order to become better at it.

                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                  unfair bots = splitpush bye


                                                                                    Lol Rpq. DOnt forget op is sub 1k. Just follow the guides but not the default ones cuz they're wrong

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      Lol Rpq. DOnt forget op is sub 1k. Just follow the guides but not the default ones cuz they're wrong

                                                                                      Yes, but you have it backwards. OP is not sub 1k because she doesn't read guides, but rather because she has no understanding of guides, or how to think for herself. Following guides would lead to her still being sub 1k and not knowing why. Basically, her knowledge of the game is so bad that guides are misleading in their form. She will learn what to do, and not why to do, which will make her improve even slower. Therefore, it's better to think about those things really hard and watch decent people play dota, not read guides. And even then there are a bunch of people who analyze such things like purge, bren, bowie, who don't write guides, but explain how things work.

                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                        dont watch how pro plays, i once saw Miracle play CM and no single fuckin ward ever he bought, sorry for my bad english

                                                                                        Rogue Knight

                                                                                          Don't lose sight,play and think positive mindset.,and win


                                                                                            Hard/unfair bots are fine for laning practice. They lasthit/deny well and you can get punished if you're out of position and another comes roaming. Forget bot games after the laning stage though. It'll give you a poor midgame sense, which can actually hurt you in real games if you get too used to bots.

                                                                                            I found playing Overthrow helped in other areas too. It's just one big concentrated teamfight, so it made me better at reading a screen full of information in a second. Being good at reading positions of your teamates and enemies as quickly as possibly is great when teamfights start.

                                                                                            Get your team to either commit to something or not commit, as a team. Often (especially in lower brackets) your entire team committing to a less optimal approach is better than half your team commit to the very best, and the other back away.

                                                                                            Be objective and critical of your own play. Even if your team sucks, you do something poorly in every game. I do too. We all do. Watch your replays and figure out what you're doing wrong, when are you out of position, are you solo pushing a t2 in the dark while the rest of your team if somewhere else? Or is a teammate solo pushing a t2 but you didn't tell them "hey you're way too far, back"? There are always things you can do to improve your chance of winning games even if your team is playing poorly.


                                                                                              Guys there is a thing I want to mention playing against low mmr players isn't that easy for examplel u say that I if I play riki or inv hero other team will not buy wards or dust and that is totally wrong they do buy even gem and every time same if the enemy's hero have invs I do buy wards even if I'm a carry ... other thing that I don't blindly follow the guides for ex If I play luna there are core items that I must buy in every game like bkb or manta for examble my proplem is in the late games I become too aggresive in pusing that I even forget to buy a strong item in late or I became confused what to buy satalic or butterflury for example that also follows any hero I play, the point is that I use my brain and don't just follow the basic guids becouse they are not always good


                                                                                                @kenny ofc I will check ty so much


                                                                                                  Stop worrying about numbers and enjoy the game. Coming from someone who has been anywhere between 300 to 2.5k and enjoyed every part of i excluding shadow pool parts.

                                                                                                  Try keeping your behaviour score high as it has drastic impact on quality of ppl you get in your team. Dont get into shadow pool. It does exist

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                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    The quickest way would just be to improve your farming. You're doing like ~250 cs on luna in 50+ minute games which is pretty bad. It's actually decent to good for your mmr, but horrible overall. And your viper is like 2-3 cs/min.

                                                                                                    On viper I would suggest going treads, aquila, dragon lance, mjollnir and farm a lot. You'll out farm enemy carries and then when you have like 35 minute treads, aquila, hurricane pike, mjollnir and daedulus or ac or butterfly you can just go kill everyone.

                                                                                                    On luna your builds look ok but again just farm quicker. If you are safe lane, as soon as your able to hit jungle, on luna this is like level 6-7 with a point or two in glaives and either dragon lance or morbid mask, start pushing the wave to the tower and then go clear the hard and easy camps. On luna with glaives you can hit the creeps and the run back to like their max follow distance and attack the ground. Default if holding A and clicking the ground. That will make her not follow the one creep that resets aggro but make her hold ground and with the glaives bouncing they should just keep returning to you with you taking minimal damage. The reason you need mask or lance is cus her base range is too short to do this without taking much dmg, so you need to lifesteal or increase her range. Like drow and sniper can jungle with no lifesteal and take almost no dmg.

                                                                                                    Anyway that's for early lane, if you farm the wave well and get a couple camps you will be at 80 cs by minute 10 easily which is going to be like double their safe laner. After you get like treads, aquila, lance, morbid mask you can clear entire jungle so fast, then get manta, yasha first. Now you just push a lane out as far as it's safe, watch the mini map to see where their heroes are. Then you run through jungle and clear everything, making your way to another lane, push that one out, run back. So just keep pushing out and running between mid and your safe lane. Finish manta and bkb and now you can go fight, but don't force fights, if team is pushing naturally and going to get a tower, take the fight. Otherwise just keep farming til you are 6 slotted.

                                                                                                    Another thing on builds, if game is really passive put more points in glaives, skip level 4 beam and ult til like 9 and 11. So level 10 you should have like 4/4/1/0 and a talent. Like max glaives level 8 for max farming with a 3/4/1/0 build. You won't need ult cus you won't be fighting. Get it at level 11.


                                                                                                      More things you can do as a Luna is if you're farming your lane, and enemy team is 4-5 manning some other lane (something players tend to do a LOT at lower tiers), punish them by pushing the tower you're farming under. Keep an eye on the enemy and if you see them going off map, it's time to back off again. You'll have wasted their time.


                                                                                                        ya'll need to stop teaching him the wrong things

                                                                                                        especially the ones advocating focusing on farming, like seriously can you fuck off. OP's issues have to do with his overall fundamentals. focusing on correct item builds and farming patterns might improve his mmr slightly but it wont change the underlying issue.

                                                                                                        he's probably dying due to overextending and bad positioning and being unaware of what he should do at different points of the game.

                                                                                                        stop forcing shit advice without considering the meta of the players where OP belongs. there are no supports, there are no wards, there isn't proper laning. teaching him "ideal" dota in an non ideal place is completely retarded.

                                                                                                        at his skill level, itemization and skill builds ARE NOT THE PROBLEM.

                                                                                                        GET THAT INTO YOUR HEADS THE PEOPLE RECOMMENDING LAST HIT CHALLENGES OR GIVING SKILL BUILD ADVICE