General Discussion

General DiscussionTilt, tilt more, TILTED the most

Tilt, tilt more, TILTED the most in General Discussion
Magic Wand

    Never been this cancerous. I get more dumber every game since my sf match.
    Do 6k players tilt too when they lose mid?

    I lose my proper reasoning at that game and after that was fcked hard. all my hard work, almost 100 mmr lost. And winning was hard too. Sigh do i need sleep or just bad day.

    On the 1st game i was ganked hard by pudge and warlock. I was able to dominate my lane before they gank. Then after that i losed. I tried to lane + jungle as backup didnt work either i was ganked by pudge and warlock again at jungle then lose mid tower then i was gapped my teammates added the flame and i was fcked up. No butthurt i didnt even respond to their flame.

    Then after that i played more trash i just know its trash after analyzing what happened to my mmr.

    I played jungle magnus trash isnt it.
    And then again.

    So i want to know what to do Ps. This account is not mine.

    Should i give up boosting and go back to my bracket. Seems like i cant handle their way of playing here. I never care honestly if they are not skilled or skilled watever. What i just think that makes me tilt is my hands cant even cast a fcking alt-queue order nor do a precise raze and me doing a one man rp. I dont know, my decisions is fcked i mean i know my team is behind networth. Then instead i farmed and farmed instead of reversing the gap on networth. I feel angry too about this. Then when my i pinged mid and thinking of a hero for the game then some guys first picks mid then i picked like motherfcking trash. Nvrmind.

    So heres the deal. Should i rest or should i go back to where i belong wteveer bracket. This is acc is 3k. Not smurf. The owner just recently enabled his exposed data settings. Its from 3k flat when i tried to boost this acc. Now its 3500.

    I would like to have some tips thanks.

    Story Time

      you, motherf**ker, need meditation!



        btw theres a really strong item


          and u arent boosting, ure shit at dota

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            So the scenario is you're 6k or sth higher than 3k and you're boosting a 3k account, but you can't handle the noobs and lose mid? Just a few everyday 3k games make you go tilt overload?
            I'm really confused.


              6k player not shredding 3k?
              Something is fishy here

              Magic Wand

                Nope im not 6k im asking 6k people sir

                Magic Wand

                  Wrong sentence construction my bad any way guys i just used my facial wash as shampoo

                  Magic Wand

                    I think i used the yellow eyed item sir on my games


                      retard title ✔
                      retard post ✔
                      retard player ✔
                      claims he is boosting ✔
                      copys arteezy ✔
                      sucks ass ✔

                      Magic Wand

                        Hey guys i nvr said im 4k 5k or 6k wtever. I nvr had real mmr in my accs cause im always borrowing accs. If the word boosting is for 6k then im just using this acc so i can play mmr.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          sir u sir sir or a sir or mb sir, sir, are u sir-ious?


                          doc joferlyn simp

                            spunki got cu.ntered by vuper and won mid!!!!!!!!! rl pro 69k man! danm2gud4threekay

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              I nvr had real mmr in my accs cause im always borrowing accs

                              Magic Wand

                                Do u change ur name when u play on other accs?

                                Magic Wand

                                  Other peoples acc i mean


                                    everyone tilts.

                                    if anything though, i think pros dont seem to be affected by tilt. they can play so many damn games in a day, and their mmr fluctuates so wildly im sure they dont eve think about it


                                      speak for yourslef

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        ahhh so you're not boosting

                                        Magic Wand

                                          Well honestly im just here to gather some tips the guy with the star seems to hate me and he thinks im delusional because of this post my bad. I should have word it properly . Im just here becausw ive been playing for almost 3 weeks straight so i thought i could ask 6k players since they used to play dota 2 more than us 3ks.

                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            It kind of sounds like you're trying your hardest to rationalize making a smurf account to get the MMR you THINK you deserve, and that you're willing to lie, and even bend reality to do so, but in a weird mentally unstable way. You're boosting? Also claiming that you have another account that isn't calibrated, so you think something like " for all I know, I could truly be 6K, i'm just not calibrated. "
                                            That's some reality bending logic. lol

                                            and yes, everyone tilts, like me for example, minus 700 mmr recently. (byebye 53% win rate) NotLikeThis

                                            I think it's a kid age 10-13 posting this, pretty sure, wouldn't take it too serious.

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                              You should've seen me losing 60% ranked winrate across all of my account for the first time

                                              Magic Wand

                                                Nope no bending reality. Nvr reached such high mmr. Just telling the truth i dont have a proper acc.i cant tell the reason why i prefer to borrow. But i never face 4k or wtever u talking about. Well its sounds like that i read it again my bad retard post . Im more concerned if playing more games has bad effects than casual. Thats why is title is tilt more etc not i dont deserve this mmr. My bad again for making u feel that way. I did act like a kid. And since u talk like that means u think im high mmr .My real mmr is 2k( last mmr calibrated ) so thats it. Im no 6k and i dont think that i dont deserve my mmr.

                                                To makes things clear:
                                                Im asking 6k what they do when they are tilt. Answered thanks
                                                Boosting: misunderstood
                                                What they think
                                                Others- 6k people raising mmr on lower mmr
                                                What i think
                                                Me- rephrased to borrowing (my bad)

                                                Sorry for such a rude post can we get over the 6k delusional sht issue? Thanks pls some tips thanks

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                Optimus Drip

                                                  Just play one account - eventually u will end up where u need to be...

                                                  meteor hammer

                                                    relax, ur doing fine

                                                    meteor hammer

                                                      yes 6k players tilt lol. theyre not emotionless robots. some are more butthurt than others

                                                      u just have to keep playing, keep trying to win no matter what


                                                      died mid 4 times in a row back to back, u just have to keep playing. it takes a really long time for a game to be out of reach

                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        this was pretty tilting

                                                        we still won


                                                          oh by the way,if you are struggling with alt+key and rp,just put some key on spacebar(for blink) it will be easier

                                                          Magic Wand

                                                            Thanks guys. Will try to carry out your tips. Thanks and have a good day