General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat happens if...?

What happens if...? in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    What happens if a vampires bites a zombie?

    Does the vampire turn into a zombie, or does the zombie turn into a vampire?

    I would love to use QoP biting Undying as an example, but she is a Succubus, not a Vampire.


      the blood of the zombie doesnt get into the bloodstream of the vampire before is gets broken down by digestive fluids (do vampires even have blood?) so he cant be effected i guess

      also vampires usually always have undead minions and therefore would not get bitten by them

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Okay, but what a zombie bites a vampire?

        Would he then "turn"?




            in hellsing world , when a vampire bite a human they turn (the human) into zombie under their lead unless they were virgin then they turn into a vampire (keeping their mind and have a super powers)


              i guess vampire cant be turned into zombie since they are practically higher level of undead :)

              so now,

              What happens if a vampires bites a werewolf,and the other way around?

              Does the vampire turn into a werewolf, or does the werewolf turn into a vampire?


                No way to tell for sure since both creatures are fictional, but can be possibly real in other worlds


                  nothing happens except a foul taste in vampire's mouth i think

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                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Ewww. Good way to put it.

                    Dire Wolf

                      A zombie wouldn't try to eat a vampire because zombies only like things that are alive (which is why they don't eat each other) and vampires are undead. Vice versa, a vampire wouldn't bite a zombie cus they have no blood to drink.

                      Or you might get zombie vampires like on the strain.

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