General Discussion

General Discussionlooking for team

looking for team in General Discussion
We love death as you love...

    hello dotabuff Community im looking for friendly dota2 team to play ranked match together or if anyone intrested to create a new team feel free to add me on steam


      Interested. Add me for more info:- 419530406

      We love death as you love...

        ok bro gone add you


          EU? :(


            mid or feed asks for friendly players haHAA?

            Ce commentaire a été édité
            d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

              Setting the mood dota2 style. eg. dim lights and Barry Manilow
              Change your name to "Horizontal...Don't Ask" after 3 back2back losses,
              Then in all caps reply when asked "CAUSE I'M THAT FKING TILTED KUNT"

              @Mid or Feed, instead of looking to party with others maybe take an hour or so break bro
              6 back2back losses...


                Add me, 5k..


                  EU player, dont let the russian letters confuse you XD


                    can u play other hero other than underlord?