General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Oracle dead?

Is Oracle dead? in General Discussion

    He's great 2 dispel 1 disarm and spamable heal/nuke
    just squishy enough and his skill animation takes too long


      To put it simply:


      team fuck sucks

        Yes. His ultimate is just a bad version of Shallow Grave. You really can't use it to save people unless you're far, far ahead.


          I recently played him felt great

          but he is dead, only picked with huskar or to disspell dark seer cancer in laning stage

          needs buffs


            Eg recently picked him against liquid in Epicentre.

            Neiche pick against a dark seer.

            I love the hero, but i'd say his talents could use a buff

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                I didn't play him yet properly but like him a lot hes just real good you need to play tons of games i know players who are on above 60% wr with him,that means hes definitely good since you dont have even carry up 60% wr


                  But Nikki good work on practice your supports,definitely you should learn him


                    huskar is relevant so oracle isn't irrelevant

                    meteor hammer

                      it makes me sad how much better he used to be, though

                      Pale Mannie

                        his ult was so fucking broken on release and was still broken on the 1st rework and then after they nerfed that it was fine. ded hero for ded gaem xdddddd


                          His q is a root now and with the new talent you can have a 3.75 sec aoe root that purges if im not mistaken, his ult has been buffed but maybe he's 1 still buff away from making a comeback.

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                          Fee Too Pee

                            His ulti seriously need a buff , that actually save someone


                              ^it does with healing ward, huskar heal, alchemist, octarine bristleback, etc.


                                sometimes i play huskar and ask somone for oracle or dazzle . oracle is not dead but dazzle is better i think.

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  I mean , you know , its his fucking ult . He should have save someone with his own ability not depends being viable with other heroes (the ult should have been independent from another hero skill)

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                                    a - damage taken would be good instead of 2 healing imo

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      Or suddenly godly movement speed only for low health?? Idk