General Discussion

General Discussion'If u r playing support only ur mmr is inlated'

'If u r playing support only ur mmr is inlated' in General Discussion
d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

    Anyone got some new replays for this?
    dead acc
    dead acc 8 days ago
    Is this still work???
    ◘◘ p ! k | ╬
    ◘◘ p ! k | ╬ 4 days ago
    OK GUYS. i realized that this is what i have been doing in my games. kudos to cookie for creating this guide, though i just read this thread today. so yeah. it works. climbed from 3200 to 4600 solo mmr. LOL!
    ◘◘ p ! k | ╬
    ◘◘ p ! k | ╬ 4 days ago
    Also, i saw some people asking if you can climb SOLO MMR using supports. Yes, i am proof of that. Road to 5k now.
    zer0 2 days ago
    can we still do this cookie? got red days. i need to improve
    🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 a day ago
    i can't believe that he's still going up, i coached him like 3 times and he went from 3.4 to 4.4k in literally no time
    so if you're wondering if you can still do this, then that's the answer

    Crystal Maiden
    Very High Skill Won Match
    a day ago
    All Pick
    3m Tranq
    7m TP
    8m WAND

    Crystal Maiden
    Very High Skill Won Match
    2 days ago
    All Pick
    4m Tranq
    10m Wand
    16m Glimmer


      Yes I have checked this link and ye its impressive that he has 3 min as average, but also hes playing 1,2k lower than my bracket and he has much more freedom to farm the first minutes. Anyways I will check some replay and see what he does to get them so early so consistently.

      However he still has pretty much the same winrate that I have with lower kda in a lower mmr bracket and following a someone's else guide.

      I like thinking that all my patterns are made by my own thoughts.


        @le flash, Thanks for that analysis.
        you are correct that rubick, lion and cm fit any line up.

        I like WW but she can be very hard to play with since people love to blow ults on cursed targets..... and that heal can screw over teammates.
        Also I played first Cm game 2 days ago after those nerfs.... man she is so freaking slow. I barely touched any jungle creeps, I had to get 3 large creeps to get lvl 2.

        Appreciate the insight man!


          @d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

          I just find something strange with dbuff timings tho; it appears that this "God" player also purchases glimmer cape at an average rate of 12 min, but I catn find a single game where he actually purchased the item that early.. Is there some kind of bug with this stats or what's up?


            I found pos 5 phoenix, silencer and pugna extremely strong in my bracket or Im just 2 gud for my trench kappa
            Often pick em as a 1st pick and wreck scrubs hard

            Ce commentaire a été édité

              Pos 5 phoenix is pretty deadly, you need t-boots and your good to go.
              Silencer can work, just need good positioning and its a great counter initiator.
              Pugna, only works when your in a push line up, or where your ward is blowing up casters

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                Dire Wolf

                  No such thing as inflated mmr as long as no one boosted you and you aren't cheating. Because it doesn't matter if you play other heroes no as well, you play X hero at a 3k, 4k, 5k level or whatever so that's where you belong in that match on that hero. People just dislike spammers cus they don't want to spam but feel they should have higher mmr. Nothing wrong with spamming or not spamming. Mmr is really just to ensure competitive balance. So if you're really good at cm or jakiro you should play in harder games to balance it out.

                  d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

                    honestly, i didn't compare the difference in MMR I can see how you wouldn't easily get away with that strat so easily and consistently.

                    I'm about to start a game I'll check the replays i honestly watched them only till about 10 mins to see his farm/jungle pattern

                    d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

                      ok so i check his last two recent games and the timings are spot on for when he got them in game, when you say average how far back in the past are you going? he def got it at 16min and 19min in the two most recent? don't know where you are pulling 12min from?

                      d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

                        Found what you are talking about... that is the average time for every cm game played ever and maybe counting games that it wasn't bought as 0 giving massively lower average time overall.
                        also games where he had the item during the game and then at end of game sold everything might be returning 0m buy times

                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                          Play warlock if you have a hard carry, play jakiro if your team can manfight early, play shaman if you need push. Play ES for fun


                            BTW, tell your friend that playing core only also inflates your mmr, tell him to stuff his pride where he wouldn't touch it.


                              your mmrs definitely inflated if you are sub 5k and main support
                              support mains are rare in that bracket, and as such most of your games will be you on your 200th game on shadow shaman or whatever support you like to play while the support on the opposing team is a carry player forced to play support, and currently having his 4th game as lion
                              needless to say he will probably be playing way below his mmr caliber and give you free wins

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                ^ time to spam cores then monkaS


                                  no thanks, playing core in pubs is the worst. i get braindead supports everytime, almost all the games where i was forced to play carry resulted in me just going to the jungle at level 2 or just destroying my items

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    haha thats pretty much me, im a support main player, people that play supports because they are forced to fuck up your lane more often then helping you


                                      Keeper of the Light
                                      a month ago
                                      Win %

                                      wait how is this possible. llol


                                        is your most played hero your griefing hero?


                                          I ust noticed wow LUL