General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to mid?

How to mid? in General Discussion

    I believe this meta is all about the mid heroes, who can outfarm the safelane carries and have higher net worth and XP in the start.
    anyways since I'm doing mid thanks to Cookie's guide I don't remember losing the lane, hell I dominate it most of the times. but what's the plan for going mid? when do you go gank? I feel like leaving lane for ganking is giving enemy mid free farm for a while and is not worth it. so What's the duty of a mid? when to gank? or do mids no longer gank and only request ganks? and if they do gank, how do they gank? my ganks always end up killing no one since they report my miss.


      the midlaner is basically another safelaner who gets items to fight in the midgame if needed, midlaner does not gank unless it's necessary for pushing or free kills are available

      midlaner almost never should waste his time ganking lanes during the laning phase unless he happens to get a rune which can secure him a kill within 30 seconds, else if a free kill is not available go back to farming. it's the support's job to gank lanes and gank the midlane, not the midlaner's job to play support for his supports.

      for more information download some 6k+ midlane replays and analyse them.

      what will happen in each game is different due to different heroes having different playstyles and the player having to adapt his playstyle to other heroes

      but the base still stays, you are position 2, you get items to get objectives and win fights if necessary

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        Thanks for the reply
        So Mid is the better safelane....
        I'm confident I can win any lanes with almost any heroes in a 1v1 mid in my bracket. Would it be too horrible to pick a hard carry and go mid? -.-

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          Cookie can you link me to your midlane guide?


            mid's job is to control the pace of the game.

            PRAISE THE SUN!

              creep agro plays a big role in mid, when u attack an enemy hero the creeps and towers will immediately attack you.
              you can use creep agro to your advantage to pull creeps into a safer zone for you to farm

              Basically you want to block your creep wave so that the creeps meet close to the bottom of your ramp.
              This is because you have a vision advantage, so ur enemy cant harrass you uphill, also for the 25% miss chance.

              The choice of ganking depends on your hero, if u have invoker arc warden sniper, u will have to sit mid for a long time to get 1 or 2 items.
              If ur puck or storm spirit all u need to do is wait for night and look for a suitable rune.

              Ur main job is to make space for ur team

              Common starting items are poorman shield tango then quelling blade for melee, null talisman or wraithband, get tango and stick fast if enemy is a spell caster like zeus or lina or sf.

              Its harder to harrass people mid so some teams like to put greedy cores in mid like troll warlord to get exp and gold faster.

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                Thanks for the reply
                Yeah the creep aggro, lane equilibrium and LH practice is what helps me beat people in my bracket in 1v1s.
                another question. if you're playing someone like invoker or sniper who like you said, has to wait in lane for a long time, destroying enemy tower at early could mean your lane being pushed too deep since there's no tower killing them. would it be logical to NOT destroy tower at early time even if the chance arises? (question didn't sound this stupid in my head)

                -DI- TheDrengr

                  the mental retardation FLOW so strongly through the low side of the mmr force

                  meteor hammer

                    ur goal is to win the trading game because if u win the trading game u win the lane

                    getting the enemy behind in xp by denying creeps and protecting your cs with aggro is a simple technique that u must learn to do without thought, u want to free up ur thoughts and reaction to how the enemy will play.

                    a more skilled player can get kills from a disadvantaged or even position, but is also much more likely to have the upper hand because he hits lvl 3/5/6 faster and his earlier bottle can the enemy to spend more regen or die

                    being able to see rotations coming is important, but the easy way to do that without having massive skill is to just plant a ward on hg when u know they are going to rotate on u. try to think of their heroes and their gameplan well in advance, u got plenty of time to think about it


                      kinda depends on your team and enemy team

                      Team Composition

                      and what hero you are against mid and what here you are playing

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                        ^^ No not usually because in this meta its all about snowballing into the midgame. You want to take mid t1 because it opens up the enemy jungle to ganks/map control. You will lose a little farm but you're trading it for greater advantage for your team.

                        meteor hammer

                          ive sacked my t1 and won so many times its unbelievable. sometimes butting ur head into the enemy t1 is going to result in feeding, and you can just rice ur first item half lane/jungle with skills like psyblades or march

                          Eat Soup With A Fork

                            I'm not the best or a Pro player but I still hope this helps.

                            Haste/invis rune are the key ganking runes and depending on the heroes in the match a DD can gank too
                            lets say you are playing shadow fiend, if spotted one of the runes above and i am at least level 7 I will double raze to kill the wave in front of me, making my creeps go to the tower to make him busy. depend where the rune is top/bot also depends where u will gank.
                            But keep the regular ganking rules in mind like,
                            1. check enemy inventory and health/Mana (a TP scroll?)
                            2. what escape items/abilities do they have? i.e. Blink dagger and shadow blade
                            3. how will you prevent things mentioned above? i.e. stuns and slows?
                            if you can bypass all through that you will be alright

                            NOTE: simply checking movement speed can determine if you will succeed or not

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                            Sugar Show

                              1.No communicate with team.
                              2.Wait to be last pick and an ally player already had picked mid Hero and declared his intentions to mid.
                              3.Pick any hero and go mid.
                              4.Attempt to steal every creep from the other ally mid player.
                              5.Feed FB and write " xd "
                              6.Go afk jungle farm and occasionally write "No es ranked :v".
                              7.Watch you team loss and never tp to help them.

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                                ^wrong info
                                I actually got alot of +25 that way

                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                  midlaner does not gank unless it's necessary for pushing or free kills are available

                                  But I remember my Medusa game one time when my teammate tells me noob for not ganking other lanes. Focus 99% on farm, and at the end of the match, avg 700+ gpm with yasha and skadi 25mins.

                                  I hate people when yelling on chat, "please gank here. Noob mid/top/bot."

                                  meteor hammer

                                    the biggest hting that noobs dont get about rotating is how fast you need to be. basically you grab the rune and need to be in and out very quickly. you can't afford to wait around for 30 seconds for an opportunity. whether you fail or succeed you need to either be tping back to lane or running (ideally with haste) the second the gank attempt is over


                                      or pushing the tower if you can get it.


                                        know your heroes power spikes and what you need

                                        example: if you can get the deso blink on TA early you should take advantage of this and kill players and push towers with team and make the enemy have to stop farming and fight if you take all towers and if you can't push highground you can just ward around their base and lock them in and farm also remeber to buy wards and ward around their base so you can pick them off if someone tries to farm

                                        some other shit:
                                        1. invoker can stack camps with a forge spirit then clear it with meatball and gaining a faster midas or something
                                        2 .if you play TA stack ancients
                                        3. sf/ta nuke the creep wave and when the enemy mid last hits under tower you go farm/stack some camps
                                        4. if enemy mid goes to another lane just take the tower
                                        5. if you are ahead buy wards yourself it's only about 4 creeps

                                        played with my friend some days ago who just started dota. was matched against 2-3k players i could see all the small mistakes that they were making it was like they did not understand how storm works

                                        sorry bad enliski i go bead nåw

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                                          On top of what Cookie said, I'd like to add that when a rotation was made to gank your carry and you can't do shit even if you tp, its better to take a tower (take objectives) and make sure the trade is even. This will buy your carry time in the end because the opponent will soon realise that everytime they gank (whether its successful or not) one of their towers will go down and their rotations and ganks will slow, or they will split, meaning you can take small skirmishes easier and proceed to take objectives soon after.

                                          Then again, what do I know? I can't even play rank yet. And normal skill.. =S