General Discussion

General Discussionstupid spec dived in fountain

stupid spec dived in fountain in General Discussion
ILC - Lethal Ninja

    this spec and qop thought game is over after two lanes were down. both dived into fountain. both died and then bb, ss near to our fountain and died again. have to be the most idiot player of the century to think game is over, thrash talk and then lose the match because of his stupidity.


      That's pretty normal in 4k mmr, they want to look "STRONG" but in my opinion, that type of plays only make them look like retards hahhaa


        battlefury slardar? wut


          dont forget that sea 4k = eu 1 k


            Is SEA that low-skilled?


              Not really "low-skilled" but full of toxic players


                whats the point of this thread, why did you post it here?


                  because he wanted to


                    he is bragging

                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...


                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                        If you dont know the point of this thread, then dont need to reply.. My thread is not for people of average level of intelligence..


                          how did that lane defended 2 lost lanes and win vs spec

                          casual gamer

                            good fucking lord

                            ILC - Lethal Ninja

                              i already told them to end the game because we lose both lanes and spec full items. and the VS pick can't do much.. but he redeemed himself in the end with a buyback and stun spec and with lion stun, he had no way to escape but to die again after buyback. his team all dead except pudge because of their stupidity to dive inside fountain and fight near our fountain instead of hitting the throne. after spec died the second time, he had like 2 mins of downtime. and we push mid tower and throne before he could respawn. you can download the replay to see the last 3 mins of play. moral of the story, don't thrash talk and too overwhelmed by your excitement and arrogance, thinking you had the game and decided to dive to get more kills instead of hitting throne. all of us couldn't believe we won that.


                                Lol this looks similar to a Game I recently played too, people who try to show off or act badass always throw the games.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Diving before you have megas, good idea.


                                    If you dont know the point of this thread, then dont need to reply.. My thread is not for people of average level of intelligence..

                                    casual gamer

                                      he isn't wrong


                                        10/10 Pinned post

                                        Player 153433446

                                          It's a girl... sometimes they don't think rationally

                                          Player 153433446
                                            Ce commentaire a été supprimé
                                            casual gamer

                                              you belong in this thread i believe


                                                Is SEA that low-skilled?

                                                just 4k dota nothing to see here


                                                  He's not wrong


                                                    shit this thread is not for me.