General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it normal if you got 30+ LH in 10 mins as a carry?

Is it normal if you got 30+ LH in 10 mins as a carry? in General Discussion
死の恐怖 Haseo

    Why are trying to find excuses . I have proof that you can get decent last hit as solo safelane against dual lane

    I use filter core , safelane , solo lane against dual lane . This will prove my statement?


      @ raj one of the harder things to do (and if u watch good players in a hard lane) is how to effectively use the first few sets of regen to get cs/trade hits in a hard lane. good players do this extremely well

      a lot of why 2ks get frustrated by hardlanes and complain about how impossible it is without supports is because they dont know hwo to use regen properly and just waste it, then tank dmg for no reason, then become easy targets even under tower.

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        btw annoying thing about dota buff is that they cant show you cs @ 10 mins. that's CS/10 min. so it counts the cs in the whole game/


          u guys are right, its definitely possible to get decent farm even in hard lanes. but a lot depends on the heroes ( antimage basically cant be killed in the lane whereas drow is extremely vulnerable)

          死の恐怖 Haseo

            Oh really Jacked . Didnt know about that LOL . I though it was last hit at 10min


              well ive played some drow and i usually die more than once before 10 mins. so i know what you're saying. still got a sic winrate tho lul


                i have over 90% win rate with drow in my Dissolution account, this shit doesnt matter.

                i still know that if you get put against an aggro lane you can very easly die because you got no escape mechanism, no durability and very low base hp. can still kite some heroes though.

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                  the only way a 2k is getting to 6k is by playing like one

                  farming 70 cs every game in 2k is one of those ways


                    @cookie what if your support stacks the safelane hardcamp into 5+ spawns and you have no way to flashfarm it? how much cs is reasonable for such a lane? are you forced to lane statically then? (not push wave clear camp and push again?)

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                      what??? you just push the current wave then pull the next one and keep killing it with your creepwave

                      that's not a hell scenario; that's a dream scenario for carries without farming potential

                      that's like a 80++ LH lane

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                        yea i didnt realise i can pull what a retard


                          If you calmed your tits cookie maybe you wouldn't be so fucking annoying. The amount of times I've heard you say shit like you can get 900gpm every game blah blah blah and then I watch waga and he doesn't get that or some 6k booster with 775 average gpm then I just assume you're a cocks****er.


                            idk why i even bother with idiots on this forum who can't even accept evidence


                              You can't accept evidence you jackass

                              -DI- TheDrengr

                                I do it hy gentle anus rape that they dont even feel till baracks are gone


                                  ^nice 2k farming skills
                                  Krappa 1 2 3

                                  -DI- TheDrengr

                                    My avg gpm is 750 right now and I am not even trying. Avg 950 is ez but unnecessary.


                                      Hi, I see your new here but sorry fellow player, but you will never get proper information in this forum. Because its full of people with life problems and can't deal with them and starts to spam the forum to feel good about themselves and also their 1000 mmr and double down users. If I were you I would move to "DOTADEV" that's where admins of the game and high mmr players with out of this world skills answer all your gaming questions in dota 2. You better leave now and close this site or everyone who is active in this forum will start to give you wrong answers and the other random 1000 mmrs playing with bots will go crazy and starts to spam randomely and trust me your gonna like them very much.

                                      And also if its not helping you then try the Steam Forum {[ ]} about Dota 2. No one dares to spam or flame there if they want to get instant 2 weeks ban and if they do it again 1 month and again 3 months and then again then they have no choice but to perma-ban them. but you need to unlock a privilage to post to prevent spammers like that person named Jack and that person who thinks he/she is an animal Dog. and those people moved here so they can spam here.

                                      I also recommend the "Dota 2 Animo App" and chat with 3000-8000 mmr players if both of the following forums are not helpful and the community there are nice people.

                                      Thank you for your time.
                                      and btw don't pay attention to them, they're crazy and you know for attention.

                                      if you cannot find your perfect forum then you don't need one because you are smarter than a forum.

                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                        diox is back

                                        Savvy Cat

                                          People who gain mmr do so by playing farming simulator of the ancients. The rest of us are content to insult our allies all game and go back to low priority.


                                            Diox is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack


                                              I don't really care.


                                                Diox r u posting this on every thread


                                                  He's now corporate diox. Promoting new products


                                                    the only way a 2k is getting to 6k is by playing like one
                                                    farming 70 cs every game in 2k is one of those ways

                                                    this is most definitely true.

                                                    beware diox! he cant even get 10 cs in a freelane LOL. he can only play when everyone abandons

                                                    Mr. Merlion

                                                      Usually 50-60 on hard lane and ur team mate doesnt contest ur farm. If your teammate contest ur farm, its worse, u can get like 40-50 only. Sometimes I dont understand why the support wants to contest a carry's farm. They juz make the lane harder for u. It is like 1v3 in the fucking lane. I rather he leave my lane and not leech exp and farm.

                                                      Sometimes fucking worse when the enemy trilane. and ur supports juz come into lane and contest ur farm instead of zoning the enemy out. It is like fucking 1v5 in the fucking lane. Supports dont nd farm for first 10mins of the game. End of story, period. I tried playing support and Im so good at zoning them out. Why cant pub supports do the same?

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                        Road to Crippling Depression
                                                        6 hours ago

                                                        Diox r u posting this on every thread

                                                        to prevent other players from posting in the wrong forum.

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          ^why u keep coming back to this forum?

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            I think Diox got hurt because he got muted because of popular demand


                                                              Nah, I don't care about that I already created that post but I got banned so I waited 3 days so I can help people who are lost in the forum.


                                                                diox has such a kind soul. autistim-level kindness


                                                                  Last I checked, if you know what you are doing, then you should be getting at least 50-60 LHs in hard lanes by pulling the waves under your tower to secure last hits.

                                                                  After this, turn around and eat the people who keep harassing you.

                                                                  Farm in 2k isn't hard to get.

                                                                  I'm still trying to learn it with Tb. My weaver is a lot better and got me 35000 net worth in a 60 min game where I had no lasthitting practice(Need to do this.). That was without me even trying.

                                                                  People in 2k have 0 idea how to zone the safelane carry. Abuse their ignorance, win your lane, splitpush literally everything. As cookie's guide says.

                                                                  @Cookie, as TB, how do you zone your opponents effectively? You have metamorphosis, but that is on a huge cooldown. So blowing it early to try and harass out of lane doesn't get all the effect I want out of it as when the enemy cones back to the lane I can't capitalize on it and kill them.

                                                                  Should I start taking a value point in reflection at 4?

                                                                  How does one deal with the idiot autoattacking teammate that constantly pushes your lane and prevents you from getting any farm at all?

                                                                  @Diox I calibrated at 2k playing hard carries vs unfair bots for 2 years. They have better last hitting then most 2k - 3ks.

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                    It's disgustingly low although it kept happening to me


                                                                      I do it by creating a huge gold advantage using my farming patterns and splitpushing then walk up highground

                                                                      also by immense psychological warfare and outplays


                                                                        ^hows ur climb to 5k tho?


                                                                          blow meta early, burn all their regen, while they have to regen back up they're afraid of you.

                                                                          show some dominance, like i've said low mmr players are afraid when you show dominance

                                                                          that's where basically most of my psychological warfare comes from

                                                                          making my enemies paranoid and afraid of me

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                          Mr. Merlion

                                                                            Cookie how to make ur teammates afraid of u too. They treat u like dirt and flame u.

                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              Show them how alpha you are
                                                                              You see, fx is a beta retard who kept getting his mid contested although he picked mid beforehand because he didn't assert enough dominance, while if I pick mid people just bow down, rotate to my lane to help, and pick actual shits 😏😏😏😏

                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                I kept getting core lane partner if I play pos 1 cuz I never bother talking to them if I play said role, since it would be an easy win anyway even with potentially 4 people contesting my lane farm 😏😏😏😏😏😏

                                                                                Mr. Merlion

                                                                                  If it is the enemy u can harass them and they will back. Or draw agro. But if is ur teammate contesting farm then what do u do. Astral prison him?

                                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                    Tell him to fuck off? Go jungle?
                                                                                    Quelling blade? Get good at csing?


                                                                                      if it's your teammate you ask him to stop, if he doesn't stop and you have more damage then outlasthit him

                                                                                      if you don't hten just leave lane and go jungle

                                                                                      Mr. Merlion

                                                                                        If got quelling is no problem. The problem is he use a high dmg support hero and does it at lvl 1. Fuck that shit.

                                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                          Yes its triggering but then again the enemy team usually never punish your lack of farm in the early game anyway

                                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                            I lost 1v1 to a 600 mmr btw haHAA

                                                                                            Mr. Merlion

                                                                                              Shag. I think I juz pull the hard camp and screw my teammate. I told them to stop and they taunt me. Best.

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                Sometimes I intentionally single pull the easy camp
                                                                                                If he's retarded enough to autoattack and ruin the carry's farm, he's most likely also retarded enough to tank the creepwave and get back to base XDDDDDDD

                                                                                                Mr. Merlion

                                                                                                  OK might try that next time. Leave him for dead.

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