General Discussion

General DiscussionSteam kodez

Steam kodez in General Discussion
Hardy Boy Kels

    Hello guys , I'm just a silent watcher in Dota buff and today I saw a post which said free steam codes .
    I know it's stupid to ask but is do some of them work
    90% of the sites with free codes are fake tho , but my friend got 100$ code somehow .
    And is not sharing the site with me


      None of them works. Your friend got given that code or he bought it himself or he's lying

      Hardy Boy Kels

        Lol . You yourself wrote that u got it in a forum earlier . (2 mins ago)

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          Really makes you think :thinking:

          Hardy Boy Kels

            Yep . Mindgamez


              And you think I'm serious? Lmfao.