depends on the bracket, but i would predict her to be easily shut down by support
ps lol i misread the safelane as offlane :D now i see my mistake
TA gets overshadowed by a lot of heroes when Straight up farming. If they are running something like Lion, Veng, Faceless, OD, Slardar sure. It could work great because they do not hit fast in succession to burn through the shield but vs any carry like Luna, CK, Ember, etc.. Will buy manta and hit just as hard as you do if not harder by 50 min.
hmm im not sure but it cud wud shud be gud because u can farm with psiblades but u should try the mEmE xD bUiLD of sny-manta-butterfly-eblade for the mEMeS xD haha!
exactly, its pretty lit because u can quickly farm the hardcamp near ur safelane, u can push out easily, u can stack, and u can stay solo against most current meta offlaners => ur 2 sups can roam and win other lanes, or you can have a jungler
its fine, but not as good as mid, mid you have 102 last hits and more xp available to you and access to runes and shrines,
TA will perform better doing good in mid vs doing good in safelane.
TA with 100 last hits and a kill at 10 minutes can out play most carries till about 40 minutes, and can farm faster than anything but anti mage.
mid also has way mor exp now, I would rather be lvl 14 at 13 minutes taking a tower with 130 last hits and 2 kills from mid
rather than 100 last hits in 13 minutes, lvl 9 and no tower and 1 kill
the fact u got a easy and a hard camp right next to ur lane > 100 creeps on mid that u wont get anyway
ладно это разговор может быть долго всёравно дота 2 бредова в балансе, а самый сильный герой это templarka ты меня не переубедишь может и в игре 5К она делает лишь фаст мом со стартом 2 ловкости с пассивки но в игре 6К она непобедима в относительно нормальной тимы которая не сливает 4 баунти руны или фб хотя я и стакими нубами вытаскивал
I really don't see the issue with TA safelane. Farms as fast as any other safe lane core imo.
But if you go TA safelane, you cannot kill the other midlaner once or twice in the early game and typer "?" afterwards.
Sure, you could kill the offlaner but it wouldn't have as much salt-provoking impact.
i already feel like when i fall off im doomed as mid. cant imagine playing safelane ta after some ghosts and crests are up lol
yeah everyone puts up better numbers than me in terms of farm actually no joke
thank god i can play tinker and win off a 37 min hex
Your not getting 100+ last hits in mid cause you dont practice. Mr neither but if you practice you can get 90 lh and 5 stacks in 10 mins as ta. This new midlane requires practice tho cause their is now less time between last hits to hit them since they die faster, so the first 4 minutes you need to practice last hitting.
just do the kobold challenge isnta +1000 mmr!!
very interesting
i guess we should lane am mid now because 100 cs mid ez 10 min bf treads thx for reaidng
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