General Discussion

General DiscussionIs medusa kinda bad for this game against such heroes

Is medusa kinda bad for this game against such heroes in General Discussion

    how should i play against such heroes with a medusa to win this game. like various factors such as itemization, and maybe i shouldve bought early bots and start split pushing to split them apart

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      Pike would've been much better instead of Bkb linkens.. Pike skadi maelstrom butterfly.. If game continues.. Bkb hex


        Why did you not have MKB against Riki? or butterfly against OD.
        I feel like people make mistake when they make her tankier. She already is tanky enough and has a defensive Ulti. she's much scarier if she has high DPS with Agility and damage items.


          pike is key against riki, butterfly is key against od.
          other than that, u shud have finished skadi faster instead of bkb and not gone manta.
          I wudve gone phase perseverance lance linkens pike skadi butterfly bloodthorn


            idk but i thought i was being too defensive as the hero. so got confused as i was the only actual farmed core in my team and i got confused ab items. i shouldve prioritized dmg over tankiness. i was scaared as if i die we basically lose teamfight easily. the weave was really annoying along with ac aura that made them tanky as the we had much physical dmg dealers and no follow up in chrono too other than me hitting and serpent wards.


              riki got 58 min halberd. wk had radiance, but we dealt with him. i wanted to mkb but i went bloodthorn skadi thinking i would die to od easily. who empties my manapool with just his ult and stolen int. i opted for increase in mana pool. and i think this was mistake cauz of witch i couldnt deal enough dmg. (lack of dmg item obv)


                Anti-Mage, Diffusal Blade users, high burst damage or fast damage per second *TA, Phantom Assassin, Sven, Outworld Devourer* and secure killers. you need a bodyguard like Invoker to help your team initiate and win the team fight.

                she is durable early game also annoying with Mystic Snake but in mid or late game if she doesn't have farm then she will crash instantly unless she has 2 items like a mjonir and linken sphere then she can balance the game.

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                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  it is...

                  i have 5 reports to use

                    You need to win in 30 minutes or you lose based on what I see here

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                      their lineup is so scary. you need too many items. i wouldnt say bkb is bad here against an OD and riki. dusa just feels like a weak hero esp against their tankier lineup. they can just outlast you and kill your team


                        Here was another dusa game


                        This game we were 17k network behind but we managed to win. They tried to split and take rax but we managed to defend and win. It unfortunately couldn't happen this game. Idk why. When I m ahead and while my team isn't farmed, I just don't understand why to buy or how to win. I feel like I need to get lots of different items.
                        In order for win fights

                        Potato Marshal

                          Don't always get linken's on Medusa, outside of the unexpected hex from Clinkz (and even then it was after you had gotten your linken's), the only ability it could block on the entire enemy team was sniper ult.