General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa

Medusa in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Is her new aghs really that bad? I mean, that's the ONLY reason she lost so much of her winrate this patch, due to people trying the item out.

    There doesnt seem to be any other explanation. If anything, she's supposed to be STRONGER this patch.


      It's gimmicky imo


        dusa aghs doesn't sound that bad, I mean it gives her a stun.
        the stats are also very good for the hero, and she can farm it as a 3rd or 4th pickup.

        Potato Marshal

          Medusa is like Morph in that she's one of the few heroes that really benefit from all 3 attributes, the problem is that she's such a late game carry that it's hard to warrant wasting an item slot on such a mediocre item. Even with a good bounce, the stun duration is too short to really do much except for cancelling channeling and helping you land your ultimate a bit more easily.

          It doesn't really boost your damage much, your farming speed, or your survivability enough to warrant it in most situations.

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Try her aghs when you have a witch doctor near you. YW.


              it does boost her survivability, and having an aoe stun is very good, if u land a 5 man snake that has teamfight winning potential. also the stone form makes them take more dmg so it accomplishes a lot of things.



                Potato Marshal

                  The survivability of aghs on Medusa is barely even on par with linken's statwise. There are plenty of better items for Medusa.


                    I tried her with aghanim as 2nd luxury item and I was lucky to win the game. I was feeling really weak with only one luxury (skadi) ,as for the same price I could be much stronger.

                    From my point of view, Aghs feel right, when you have at least 2 luxuries (linkens/manta + Skadi) and you need another lockdown, but it needs a bit more testing for me, as I enjoy playing dusa.

                    P.S. does the "stone" disable also give the 50% extra physical dmg?


                      IceFrog, stop Aghanim's swag pls !


                        I haven't tried it but it I think its probably not that bad. It gives the hero an AOE stun after all.
                        It acts like the stone from the ult, they have 100% magic resist but take more physical damage. It cant target spell immune heroes but it can bounce to them and I believe it stuns through spell immunity.


                          ye its both situational, and a late game item that u buy once u have both decent survivability and decent damage.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Medusa really lacks damage so I would only get aghs in lieu of linkens when you don't need spell block. I wouldn't ever want more than 2 tank items on medusa and skadi is core. Then you need boots and three damage items like mjollnir, Daedalus, mkb, butterfly, bloodthorn

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                              Im pretty sure you cud go for smth like phase linkens maelstrom skadi mjollnir aghs butterfly and then a dmg item like rapier, bloodthorn, mkb. Daedalus seems overkill imo. Late game just give up ur boots put em in backpack, use butterfly active to move.


                                It's a situational item at best but it's very good for those situations. The stone is exactly the same as the stun from her ulti, which means 3 important advantages for ur team 1. It stuns 2. It amplifies physical damage by 50% 3. It instantly destroys illusions. I would say if your team is quite physical-damage heavy with other sources of dps medusa aghs would be quite decent. Effectively you're playing her like a front-line tank (at mid probably) so that your other squishier carries can do the damage. Though of course the stone also gives the target 100% magic resistance so don't get it recklessly if your team has alot of spell damage because that can fk up your team. The illusion-destroying aspect might seem gimmicky, but I think the aghs may have potential against illusion/manta carries such as ck, tb, luna, am, jug, spec (wont say that much against pl because he can just create them again though it helps identify the real hero, or naga because her illusions are used to rat instead of fighting)