General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes that can have high inpact while not having much farm?

Heroes that can have high inpact while not having much farm? in General Discussion

    Since there is 2 ranked modes now I can use 1 for pratice.
    What are some higher skill cap supports who if played well can be useful with no items?
    Vague questions but not sure how else to ask it


      it's called any position 5 support

      queen's speech

        bs, gyro, even chaos

        Bosnian Blade

          techies ez impact


            Surely pos 5


              You can play pos 5 lich, pos 5 Rasta but I want to have high skill cap ones, not just any random one.


                Warlock even with just arcane boots can win a game


                  I would say Chen active position 4/5 can be interesting choice - you can play without any items, still able to support/roam well and use your creeps to disrupt enemy game completely.

                  Disruptor with 4 spells, 3 of which needs perfect timing are as well high skill cap and as well, can win the game for the team without single item.

                  Than in my mind typical position 4 heroes - earthspirit, Elder titan.

                  Or WW (when high physical dmg) and Rubick (good spells) ?

                  None of these need really a lot of farm, they are all about spells, positioning, timing.


                    Spirit breaker, Tusk, Earth Spirit


                      Visage but only l pick him if u have a pos5 that has lockdown like cm or lion on your team

                      Dead Game, Don't Care

                        IO with Arcana, no question.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          winter wyvern can absolutely wreck some heroes with literally 0 items but that's mainly a level 6 thing


                            heroes with arcana *their buffed because valve wants people to buy Arcana to make them feel good about themselves (no offense tho)

                            and heroes who are weak with low winrate got buffed hardcore (np, qop, enchantress etc).

                            Livin' Real Good

                              Mirana, hero is stupid easy. lol

                              All you need is basic items and a few levels. Has a nuke, has a stun that can stun for 5 seconds, has an escape so she's very forgiving positioning wise, not to mention they'll think twice before ganking her cause she can just leap away, and finally a global ult at level 6.

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                                pretty much any pos 3-5 hero should be able to do what they need to do with only one or two low cost items. Good examples are clockwork, slardar, cm, dazzle.

                                AL GOYIM

                                  warlock is really impactfull in any stage of the game regardless how many farm he had


                                    I usually go for Lich or Warlock in these situations. Lich because he has a free midas for xp. Keep denying ranged creeps and you can deal great amount of damage early on. Warlock is already mentioned and explained. These heroes are relatively easy to play. Playing Lich is even boring.
                                    Disruptor would also be a good call but he doesn't have that kinda laning mechanics.

                                    Clockwerk is probably the best hero in this regard. Absurd damage output through entire game. But playing Clock requires much more skill and experience compared to these plain supports.


                                      supports: Riki, warlock, winter wyvern
                                      cores: Slardar, troll, PA

                                      old man

                                        kunkka is my favorite if you need some supportive control hero who doesnt need too much farm. but he has a big mana issue (thats all i guess)